Zero Dark Thirty Vol: The Hunt for Osama bin Laden

Saw it last night, movie was boring. I never got the tension others were talking about. Everybody knows they find bin laden and nobody dies during the raid so wheres the tension coming from? It was like 2 hours of 2 people repeating where is [insert arab name]
Just watched it.. Thought it was decent for what it was. We all know (have an idea) of what went on during the time. They did a good job with the events beforehand and how hard it was to find this guy..
no idea what to believe regarding the movie and the preceding events of it but the movie was entertaining for what it it started slow and boring but it did pull you in...

...but when the raid scene happened...bruh... 
Just saw this online and here's a quick summary-CIA keeps asking detainees where UBL's couriers are in between brief torture/interrogation scenes. Finally catch a lead on years old intel. Red head has a sit down with Tony Soprano and he gets the hit ok'd. Bin Laden gets whacked and that's that. Movie could've been 30 mins shorter and Lincoln is a better film.
Obviously most folks are going into it only wanting to see the raid, so of course all of the ground work they had to do to get to that point would seem boring. Kind of like Paranormal Activity in the sense that we dont care about the regular stuff we just want to see the scary stuff that happens in the last 15 mins..
movie was was good.  watched it wifey last night.  She kept closing her eyes during the torture scenes.  It was too real for her
The movie is a Hollywood film. Of course it's not gonna be completely accurate and it'll be sensationalized. That doesn't automatically make it lies or propoganda. Even if their biggest goal was to expose every single detail, you think people who were involved would spill the beans on exactly how their operations went down? Of course not.
Saw it last night, movie was boring. I never got the tension others were talking about. Everybody knows they find bin laden and nobody dies during the raid so wheres the tension coming from? It was like 2 hours of 2 people repeating where is [insert arab name]

we clearly didn't see the same movie.
I'm never a huge critic of movies, but this movie was pretty long and definitely a bit of a drag/slow for the first hour or so.
Outside of that it was pretty straight all around.
Hmm so a Call of Duty final boss has more people protecting them than a hiding out OBL...

I'm sorry but the whole time you watched it you thought it was going to be something big like he had some sort of enemy stronghold but this guy was with women and children. I mean I guess it makes sense but he had a multi million dollar bounty on his head so it just seemed a little too neatly packaged together. I get it that they had to get the whole timeline into a movie under 3 hours but still.

I started watching it and even though it was a little on the slow side it was great if you're into problem solving though.

How many of you were saying to yourself in the theatre by the way..."why are you letting this guy driving not get searched outside the compound"?

I think the ending just made you realize at the end of the day he was just a man like everyone else. 
I'm sorry but the whole time you watched it you thought it was going to be something big like he had some sort of enemy stronghold but this guy was with women and children.
if this story is at all accurate, then you knew that he knew that it was only a matter of time before he was found. thats what caught me off guard when i watched it. like mannn he knew he was going to get got eventually so why even try. 
I enjoyed the movie but is was kinda long..

the beginning interrogation scenes :pimp:
That was good. Chastain was good. The ending was really well done.

I get why Bigelow didn't get nominated best director, though.

I'll put up drywall later, when I ain't on a phone. :lol:
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I enjoyed the movie. I love chris Pratt but I feel like the Seals team 6 should have been more serious and intense. Pratt is just kinda joking the entire time. Also Idk if I'm nitpicking but when they call Maya and tell her they got the ok to go in and get Osama and say we're doing it tonight but the Seals team doesn't even know yet? You're gonna give them a few hours of notice to prepare and plan on how they're going to get the most wanted man in the world?
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I enjoyed the movie. I love chris Pratt but I feel like the Seals team 6 should have been more serious and intense. Pratt is just kinda joking the entire time. Also Idk if I'm nitpicking but when they call Maya and tell her they got the ok to go in and get Osama and say we're doing it tonight but the Seals team doesn't even know yet? You're gonna give them a few hours of notice to prepare and plan on how they're going to get the most wanted man in the world?
ST6 was already training for a capture/kill HVT. They just didnt know when the strike would take place.
Without getting too deep into it, this gets my vote for movie of the year. The directing was simply amazing. I loved the flow of the story, and how each scene and character transition were done so seamlessly.
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