You're not dunkin my donut... vol. i hope that's cream cheese

Keep playing along and eventually you'll be getting $%$% for free on a daily basis.
I would just keep taking the freebies, you are who you are if he tries to make an advance then you just let him know the deal.
i think the dude is just trying to be cool with you, just tryna be nice to you since he knows your a everyday customer. your just over thinking it.

but damn that dude is on some weird !*#*..... he remembers you everyday. your not the only one going to Dunkin donuts everyday. there are aalot of poeple who have that as their morning routine coffee and other !*#*.....
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

what is the problem? as long as you're not doing anything with him, just reap the rewards of him admiring you. welcome to the life of a female

yep, smh at those simps
Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

I was gonna say "milk it while you can"

but that wouldn't be the proper thing to say in this situation

Seriously, what are you complaining about?

When he starts spraying the bag with cologne before he gives it to you, or writes his number down on a bagel, then you can be concerned.  Either he's into you and wants to be the cream cheese between the slices, or he's just a nice guy who is hooking it up to a loyal customer.
So did you decide on whether or not to stop going to Dunkin Donuts to get your morning fill?
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