You're not a "drinker" until you've...

Waking up naked in bed with an empty jar of peanut butter....
Never again....
Originally Posted by MadFreshYo

Originally Posted by soltheman

Got topped off, and supposedly smashed, a chick that looks like the Incredible Hulk in the face.


Where the pics at?
Can't even post 'em.

Dudes would be ridiculing me for years.

Vol. ohsnaps, mayor, etc.

You're not a drinker until you've:

-woken up in on the US/Mexico border in Tijuana with a butterfly knife in my pocket, using a traffic cone as a pillow
-been to Oktoberfest in Germany

-successfully ran away from a Taxi driver in Las Vegas through Casinos and Parking lots after 8 shots of vodka and 20 Bud Lights... in Dress shoes
-bet $10 at a VIP table in Vegas (Minimum $100) then staring at the pit-boss like he's the drunken fool
-woken up with swollen knuckles and a torn shirt on Bourbon Street in New Orleans
-urinated at a bar in front of a large crowd because the bathroom was a little bit too far for my tastes
-drank a Guiness a block or two away from the brewery in Ireland
Originally Posted by Bruce Uppercut

You're not a drinker until you've:

-woken up in on the US/Mexico border in Tijuana with a butterfly knife in my pocket, using a traffic cone as a pillow
-been to Oktoberfest in Germany

-successfully ran away from a Taxi driver in Las Vegas through Casinos and Parking lots after 8 shots of vodka and 20 Bud Lights... in Dress shoes
-bet $10 at a VIP table in Vegas (Minimum $100) then staring at the pit-boss like he's the drunken fool
-woken up with swollen knuckles and a torn shirt on Bourbon Street in New Orleans
-urinated at a bar in front of a large crowd because the bathroom was a little bit too far for my tastes

- Waking up in the trunk of a truck

- Start Getting drunk in down town Detroit and waking up in some 35 year old woman bed in Windsor.
  • Woke up next to Chewbaccaette in her lair
  • Woke up in the bathroom
  • Puked at the bar and kept drinking
  • Found out what a good time you had the night before via phone calls from friends the next day
  • Ran four blocks to your buddies apartment fleeing the police with a sub from Jimmy John's tucked under your arm like a football (made it there without being caught = touchdown in the Super Bowl)
  • Saw video of yourself and said, "I don't remember any of this."
  • Had your female roommate find all your from-the-waist-down clothing in the living room on the first floor and bring it to your room in the basement
-told people how not drunk you are.

-snuck out of your family gathering/graduation/job/date to grab a quick sip and then came back.

-woke up at 8 and been drunk by 9.

-gone through your phonebook twice.

-entered into a serious and meaningful conversation with a no parking sign that all of a sudden, you don't like the way that it's looking at you, soyou go to kick it, but your kick misses and you hit your shin on it, and you can't let it get away with that, so you put all of your weight and effort intomaybe bending it a little so that everybody who ever walks by again will see that parking sign and know not to mess with you but then you get tired and yourfriends ask you to get back in the car because they found directions to the party you were going to later.

-oh, and peep the avy. you will see me here every year.
Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

.....when every drink tastes jus like water....
whats wrong with that?

thats only happened to me a handful of times though
screamed at your roommate to undress you while she was trying to put you in the bed...

stolen every phone at the party cuz you were mad you lost yours and no one turned it in to the dj...i came home with 5 sprint phones and not one verizon...smh

stole a girl's camera at the same party mentioned about b/c you lost yours...she saw me take and took it back...she put it back down so i grabbed it andleft...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

stolen every phone at the party cuz you were mad you lost yours and no one turned it in to the dj...i came home with 5 sprint phones and not one verizon...smh

stole a girl's camera at the same party mentioned about b/c you lost yours...she saw me take and took it back...she put it back down so i grabbed it and left...


W-T-F Mouse?
Eaten swisher guts
and have no memory of it, just the evidence in my throwup in the morning
dreClark wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
stolen every phone at the party cuz you were mad you lost yours and no one turned it in to the dj...i came home with 5 sprint phones and not one verizon...smh

stole a girl's camera at the same party mentioned about b/c you lost yours...she saw me take and took it back...she put it back down so i grabbed it and left...


W-T-F Mouse?

i was on a rampage that night...i'd do it again...courvoisier shots in the car FTW
try to use a cigarette's guts as chewing tobacco
woken up with no pants or socks, but shoes on
slept standing up and having your dad tell you
broken a car window and told the cop you didn't do it but did and got a free ride home then went back out
When you get dropped off at the house on a hot summer night and you notices the floor of your garage looks mad comfertable so you lay down for a minute and thenext thing you know your being woken up at 6am the next morning by your pops on his way to work.
i forgot to add one....

......pretended that your arm was an etch-a-sketch, with a knife.......and i'll leave it at that
Walked into your cousins neighbors house, and sit down on the couch like you belong there, but these people have never seen you before in your life. But theyknow your cousin and walk you to his house.

Patron and double shot Goose all night FTW/FTL
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

i forgot to add one....

......pretended that your arm was an etch-a-sketch, with a knife.......and i'll leave it at that
Reminds me of the night my friend needed to cut some limes, so I volunteered, and proceeded to start tossing the large knife in the air. I endedup with a huge gash in my knee.
This right here is real %#[email protected] if its been said yet but...

You're not a "drinker" unless you had a bad night of drinkin and said to yourself ur never gunna drink again....then next weekend ur doing thesame %#!@
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