You know what, #%@! Chick-Fil-A!

This just shows that this type of prejudice is still somewhat acceptable to most people out there and I also expected the people on NT to not really care about gay rights. I even think if Chick-Fil-A hated on women, guys wouldn't even care and would continue to go eat there. It has to be something more controversial for most of us to really care. People just don't care about the gay community to make a stand.
I now have to avoid chick fil a on purpose on August 1st just so people don't get the idea that I don't believe in gay marriage??

Idc if the CEO came out and said he hate the ******** and will not serve any ******** fans at any chick fil a ever wear a cowboys jersey just to get my hands on a large number 7

Polynesian sauce :smokin
Spicy chicken sandwich...with pepper jack cheese :smokin
Waffle fries:smokin
Gimme a chicken sandwich with some waffle fries.. FOR FREE!
This whole situation is.... UNFORGIVABLE.
Well Played good sir 

What's funny to me is i'm scrolling through my Facebook & Twitter and seeing more straight people pissed off about Chick-Fil-A's stance on marriage than I am gay people. :lol:
National Same-Sex Kiss Day coming to a Chick-Fil-A near you



The Chick-Fil-A wars heat up with supporters of equality on Facebook organizing an event of protest on August 3:

In honor of their support for love, equality, and the real definition of family, we're holding a NATIONAL Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick Fil A's around the country. So grab a friend (or 20) and head out to your nearest Chick Fil A! And don't forget to post photos/videos of it here! For all the world to see!

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This just shows that this type of prejudice is still somewhat acceptable to most people out there and I also expected the people on NT to not really care about gay rights. I even think if Chick-Fil-A hated on women, guys wouldn't even care and would continue to go eat there. It has to be something more controversial for most of us to really care. People just don't care about the gay community to make a stand.

But theres no prejudice happening here. These people basically said, 'The Bible is my playbook, and I'm sticking to the playbook." If you're going to boycott chic-fil-a for that, you might as well boycott the The Bible, that where they got it from.
National Same-Sex Kiss Day coming to a Chick-Fil-A near you

The Chick-Fil-A wars heat up with supporters of equality on Facebook organizing an event of protest on August 3:
In honor of their support for love, equality, and the real definition of family, we're holding a NATIONAL Same Sex Kiss Day at Chick Fil A's around the country. So grab a friend (or 20) and head out to your nearest Chick Fil A! And don't forget to post photos/videos of it here! For all the world to see!
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and this is why so many people are sick of the gay agenda. Being annoying for the sake of being annoying.

How you translate "i dont support gay marriage" into "well Chick-Fil-A must hate all *****exuals" is beyond me.

I'm in full support of fighting for your right to marry, but this is NOT to the way to do it..and you won't gain more support from it either
This whole thing is stupid. They are a private organization that stated their beliefs. I don't agree with their beliefs, but if you feel strongly enough about the issue to boycott eating crappy fast food then so be it. Everyone else just keep on doing what you're doing.

There's really nothing to see here except a media/right-wing/left-wing pissing match.
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Oh no a kiss in.How are we supposed to take the gay rights advocates seriously when they use their sexuality as a gimmic to stir up controversy it's laughable a kiss in.They don't even protest seriously at all it's a joke
But theres no prejudice happening here. These people basically said, 'The Bible is my playbook, and I'm sticking to the playbook." If you're going to boycott chic-fil-a for that, you might as well boycott the The Bible, that where they got it from.

Being in a religion and following the bible can heighten your discrimination and prejudice just because of what it embodies. Obviously gay marriage and being gay in general is a sin to most that believe in the bible. I am sure most of the gay community can care less about religion and are already boycotting the bible.
homophobia or racism its all discriminatory and needs to stop. you dudes with a beef over people comparing the two need to check yourselves.
This isn't just about their opposition to gay marriage, they also donate millions of dollars to anti-gay organizations. If you think this is just about their opposition to gay marriage, wrong. This is a quote from the President an COO, Dan Cathy:
"I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,'" Cathy said. "And I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about."

Why would I want to support that?

I think it's great that Jim Henson's Company, Boston and other communities refuse welcome of do business with Chick-Fil-A. Here's a letter from Boston's Mayor, Thomans Menino.
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This whole thing is stupid. They are a private organization that stated their beliefs. I don't agree with their beliefs, but if you feel strongly enough about the issue to boycott eating crappy fast food then so be it. Everyone else just keep on doing what you're doing.

There's really nothing to see here except a media/right-wing/left-wing pissing match.

homophobia or racism its all discriminatory and needs to stop. you dudes with a beef over people comparing the two need to check yourselves.
First, we need to stop using homophobia incorrectly. Phobia implies fear. Like racism and anti-semitism, its been twisted around so much that no one knows what the word means anymore. SOME people aren't afraid of them, they just don't rock with the lifestyle or cosign the agenda that's being pushed. That doesn't mean they are homophobic, they just don't care. And to imply that those who don't cosign the agenda are latent *****exuals is just silly.

Chick-Fil-A is a private organization that exercised their rights and beliefs. They've always let it known that they were influenced by Christianity and are devout Southern Baptist's. How they feel about same sex marriage shouldn't be news.
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There's going to be a Chick-Fil-A in San Jose soon! That's the only news I need to hear. I'm neutral to gay marriages. If that's their belief so be it. If you're offended don't support them, there are other places that sells chicken sandwiches. What needs to be boycotted is their closing on Sundays.
I find it interesting that Jim Henson's company rightfully pulls their toys from the kids meals and this is how Chick-Fil-A explains it...
More Polynesian sauce for moi :smokin

Seriously though, don't know why people are going so hard at Chik-Fila (many I'm sure are typing up their passionate responses on their coveted Apple computers (made by a company known for choosing profits over working conditions) . If you look hard enough you can find a reason to boycott EVERY company (none of them are 100% clean) but the public always follows the lead of the people screaming the loudest.
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I think this is mostly just bad work practice. Chic-Fil-A should have just kept their beliefs to themselves. I am sure there are tons of other companies that think the same but keep it under the radar. Just as much as people are saying they shouldn't be surprised how they believe this, then they should be surprised why people are so upset and are taking action the way they are.
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