You better take these *^&%$ pictures down! ( GF related)

yeah I'm assuming so - in rare cases it can effect fertility but I'm not even sure I want kids of my own.

Although, I think it can increases chances of getting PID - pelvic inflammatory diseases, which in turn can lead to infertility. And thats the fertility link,and I've never had PID.

No, not getting pregnant is that important. But at the time I went on it, they werent really aware of the bone loss issue. It's only come up recently andnow its only recommended for 2-3 yr usage. Hence going off of it
Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Nawth21

you can have a girl and still fap to kim k. I probably would. Besides, it gives us ladies a break for the evening.
what possible reason could you have for wating a break
unless your a vampire i think every dude takes a 3 day vacation every month.
what 3 day vacation is it that you speak of
if you have to ask YNS
shut that !$+$!*@@ up. just say the damn 3 day vacation you talkin bout
son you're joking right? i really thought you was playing
fam im dead serious. maybe im just out of the loop or something. but what is this 3 day vacation
well the average womans period lasts 3-5 days so i was saying a girl on her period is a reason not to bone. i thought i was witty with the whole vampire thing oh well, i mean i completely didnt get what someone else said last night it happens heh.
oh yea that completely went over my head. But i was meaning everybday that she isnt on her period is it acceptable to have sex 3 times a daywitout causing UTIs
thread doesn't wanna stop


original problem solved now theres sub drama and side conversations going on.. I love NT.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

something like that. It even says on the pamphlet
oh and they call it a "honeymoon" issue
whatever fam but yeah. UTIs = not fun.

And depo kills the sex drive though, so thats another reason to get off of it. I mean all birth control can do that, but you can usually find one with little or no side effects. Messes with your body tho yo, doing all that experimenting with hormones
I was lucky, didnt gain any weight but I have a sneaking suspicion it makes it harder to lose weight gained thru normal means

Yea Depo is some serious stuff. My roomate had that and her bones/sex drive is #@%#$% up...not a good look. I got questioned with carnival pics....but I waswearing a cultural costume....not like I would go to the store with that on lol.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

No, not getting pregnant is that important. But at the time I went on it, they werent really aware of the bone loss issue. It's only come up recently and now its only recommended for 2-3 yr usage. Hence going off of it

If i was a chick I wouldnt be messing with my body like that. Yall crazy.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Nawth21

you can have a girl and still fap to kim k. I probably would. Besides, it gives us ladies a break for the evening.
what possible reason could you have for wating a break
unless your a vampire i think every dude takes a 3 day vacation every month.
what 3 day vacation is it that you speak of
if you have to ask YNS

ever since me and my girl only see each other for 5 days every other month at the most...

a period aint stoppin NOTHING..

so ironically, and technically, it's the opposite of NS, if he doesnt stop S for the period....

, i was waiting for ericberry to be like "oh, a period? that doesnt stop me"

that seriously went completely over my head

but na i dont mess wit my girl while she on her period. she basically begs me to +$@% her, but i dont run red lights knowingly.

but if i only saw her 5 days out the month, aint nothin would stop me, we would be goin at it like no other no matter what.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by JuJu

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Nawth21

you can have a girl and still fap to kim k. I probably would. Besides, it gives us ladies a break for the evening.
what possible reason could you have for wating a break
unless your a vampire i think every dude takes a 3 day vacation every month.
what 3 day vacation is it that you speak of
if you have to ask YNS

ever since me and my girl only see each other for 5 days every other month at the most...

a period aint stoppin NOTHING..

so ironically, and technically, it's the opposite of NS, if he doesnt stop S for the period....

, i was waiting for ericberry to be like "oh, a period? that doesnt stop me"


yea i def got homies that dont even care. might as well be lube to them i just can't do it son

\/ ive hear the ladies get extra randy when they on the rag.

that seriously went completely over my head

but na i dont mess wit my girl while she on her period. she basically begs me to +$@% her, but idont run red lights knowingly.

but if i only saw her 5 days out the month, aint nothin would stop me, we would be goin at it like no other no matter what.

Condoms are not effective enough for my liking, though I do have to use them as a backup when I switch BCs.

For the most part, BCPs and such aren't all that bad. It's all relative. And since I'm still unsure about having kids, we haven't taken a moreserious approach like getting snipped
(he offered) BCPs are my last resort because I don't know if I can trust myself to take a pill at the same time,every day, 365 days a year
my forgetful %%+

Oh i will say - I had a lowered risk of uterine cancer while on Depo
Since there was no cell wall turnover or anything
Originally Posted by Nawth21

yeah I'm assuming so - in rare cases it can effect fertility but I'm not even sure I want kids of my own.

Although, I think it can increases chances of getting PID - pelvic inflammatory diseases, which in turn can lead to infertility. And thats the fertility link, and I've never had PID.

No, not getting pregnant is that important. But at the time I went on it, they werent really aware of the bone loss issue. It's only come up recently and now its only recommended for 2-3 yr usage. Hence going off of it
Didn't know it had those possible side effects. You should have at least one child. I bet you wont regret it.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Nawth..dont' even bother...
dudes on NT will find any and every reason to bash women.
Dirty i didnt even see any dudes bashing women this time around
I'm waffling on my no kids stance. Well, I'll have a stepdaughter but realistically thats nothing like having your own. I'm so horribly selfish
it's terrible and you have a devote a lot of yourself to it. I sure as hell am not ready for it at 26
but I said maybe when I'm 30. We'llsee
no bashing huh?....

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by derryj3

Originally Posted by Nawth21

No, not getting pregnant is that important. But at the time I went on it, they werent really aware of the bone loss issue. It's only come up recently and now its only recommended for 2-3 yr usage. Hence going off of it

If i was a chick I wouldnt be messing with my body like that. Yall crazy.
dog, thats prolly not even the worst thing she does to her body...

women do the darnest things...
right... I must be... b/c we all know that most dudes on here don't nitpick on every single female here.
We do do dumn stuff, but not necessarily as a collective whole

Anyways, that poor girl got bashed to hell and back on her looks. meanies
Originally Posted by Nawth21

I'm waffling on my no kids stance. Well, I'll have a stepdaughter but realistically thats nothing like having your own. I'm so horribly selfish
it's terrible and you have a devote a lot of yourself to it. I sure as hell am not ready for it at 26
but I said maybe when I'm 30. We'll see
Don't wait too long. Wanna have as much time with them as possible.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

no bashing huh?....

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by derryj3

Originally Posted by Nawth21

No, not getting pregnant is that important. But at the time I went on it, they werent really aware of the bone loss issue. It's only come up recently and now its only recommended for 2-3 yr usage. Hence going off of it

If i was a chick I wouldnt be messing with my body like that. Yall crazy.
dog, thats prolly not even the worst thing she does to her body...

women do the darnest things...
well i stand corrected then.

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Nawth..dont' even bother...
dudes on NT will find any and every reason to bash women.
Dirty i didnt even see any dudes bashing women this time around
, right?

dirty, stop being a grumpy old man.

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Oh man
Dudes be having the towels ready to be laid out on the bed

yep, AND i go raw....

eric, you got it wrong tho, you said 5 days a month, it's 5 days EVERY OTHER month, if we're lucky...

we usually have to go a good 3 month-span without seeing each other....

real wack.
5 days Every other month

i honestly dont kno if i could do it. I'd like to think i'd be able to, but i kno it'd be real difficult for me.

I stuggled with not seein my girl over the break,
LOL @ Yall using the, "I am secure with my relationship" logic when it comes to this.

If a woman respected YOU and YALLS relationships, she wouldn't do ANYTHING like that.

Point blank
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