First RBZ and now you..What the hell is up with all the new guys coming into NTWF with these fruity gimmicks/promos?..

jsbrown, you have zero chance of survival here..You've already been made out to be a little punk..Let me ask you something..How long after I told you to change your avy did you start searching google for a new pic?..You're weak kid..Just give up now and maybe someone might let you be their valet down the road sometime..And btw, how in the F can I shut my mouth when I'm talking to you?..C'mon buddy you can do better than that..Or maybe that's your prime material and thats as good as it gets..Either way, you suck..
Aw thanks man. Have you not seen wedding crashers? Classic quote. It was two promos get over it. Since you think I'm already a "punk" thats cool with me I like being the heel. either way you can blow me
Aw thanks man. Have you not seen wedding crashers? Classic quote. It was two promos get over it. Since you think I'm already a "punk" thats cool with me I like being the heel. either way you can blow me

Also I wont survive in here? Didnt know my life was in danger but thanks for the heads up

So you're getting your material from movies now?..Very original..

And then another reference to you wanting to do stuff in a sexual way with another man..:smh:..You and RBZ need to form a fabulousssss tag team..

It sounds like you're already getting your feelings hurt..Just so nobody says I don't care about my fellow NTWF'ers, heres something to help you out in your emotional time of need..

Put me down'uhhhh for, ah thee NTRR! I dont'uh care'ah if its numeruh 1, 2, or 30. Thee Airebral Airsassin will be thee last man in that ring . . . . because I'm that damn good'ah!
View media item 234538

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View media item 234571
Just'ah move it along little boy . . .

It maybe'uh ironic that I'm the Airebral Airsassian, yet I gasp for air each time I open my mouth. But'ah I could do away with you holding'uh my breathe. So go to the back, and clean my jock strap before you make me mad'uh . . . .
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So you're getting your material from movies now?..Very original..

And then another reference to you wanting to do stuff in a sexual way with another man..
..You and RBZ need to form a fabulousssss tag team..

It sounds like you're already getting your feelings hurt..Just so nobody says I don't care about my fellow NTWF'ers, heres something to help you out in your emotional time of need..
Oh I didnt know my feelings were hurt? Thanks for letting me know and looking out for me, its hard for me to tell how I feel each day. But let me get this right... your gonna rip on me for sexual sayings when my character  obviously does all that? Oh thats fine just making sure we are on the same page. Oh and for the tampax, your lady friend is gonna need those after the loving she gets from the ravishing one

Given that the WWE license was up for grabs this week:

Really like that EA Sports menu interface.
Given that the WWE license was up for grabs this week:

Really like that EA Sports menu interface.
Dude thats awesome! I really like the rockstar one. Reminds me of the old smack down ps2 game when you could roam backstage and fight random people
OFFICIAL NTWT ROYAL RUMBLE PARTICIPANT LIST (If you were bumped, its only because someone with more clout took your spot)

.Illoquent DSK
Rusty Shackleford
Rings MJ
JD Curt 

Grizzly Hebert
Johnny RedStorm
Hymen Man
Peep Game
DC All American
JC Mojica
Scott Frost
Air Thompson

Thanks to the good folks at Random.Org, the two NTWT SOOPAHSTAHHS that have drawn #1 and # 2 are...

#1 OwenStr8Clownin
#2 Toine

andd the illustrious #30 goes to....


yes, i know everyone elses RR number. no i will not tell you what it is.

NTWTRR Fun Facts:

*This will be the first event that is headlined by a midcard title (pretty much the new upper midcard title, as Peep has very much become the CM Punk to JNSQ's Randy Orton) 

*The Final Four for NTRumble '12 was: The Deek, Club, BrasilianMami, and TennHouse

*YardFather literally got zero offense in during his title match against Catman Ringel at this event last year

*ITO/Club won Fued of the Year and Match of the year at this event last year as well


Monsiuer Clubito, surely you are mistaken to have not placed me, who has won every battle royal I've participated in as well as the very rumble preceding this year. :D :D

However, I do understand the reasoning behind protecting everyone else from being beaten yet a third time and by taking the everyone's biggest threat away it increases someone else's chances at winning. I guess that is perfectly fine by me because I guess I shouldn't be winning everything around here all of the time. :D I mean, my Michael Jordan is outshining all of these Gary Paytons, and Karl Malones, and Charles Barkleys, and you've made me realize that it'd be ridiculous to keep me in because I'd probably win five more times in a row and start some outrageous dynasty. :frown: :frown: Not because I want to keep everyone down with my skill, but it's unfortunately inherent of me to do so. :frown: I can't help it, I do it for the NTuniverse! :D :D

But... That'd be no good for everyone else like the young and beautiful diva's championship, El Cubano, who has yet to get a win in this company. You're right Monsiuer Clubito! I should help him by not participating! I'm seeing your grand plan here. The threat of a dynasty is too great! Surely even you want to win without me there to take it away from you right? :D :D I should tone down my skill level a bunch of steps down I guess so all you other fellows can keep up! I did it for my wonderful comrade Peep_Game, he was just a gentle Zack Ryder before I gave the title to him and look what he's done for the company since! I let him beat me and he's been the longest reigning USChamp in existence!

In conclusion, I am too big of a threat to everyone winning and must focus on helping my comrades in this company as we are all brothers. Starting with the lowest title just an inch above the diva's title, the NTCore title. Hymenicus J Man, I am here to do Monsiuer Clubito's bidding! I am coming to push you to the sky with my humble ability! :D :D

Happy Trails!
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^ you're in the rumble, Deek. i dont know how i overlooked that.

6 Rings out, Deek in.
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:D :D You're a man of impeccable insight Monsieur Clubito.

Let us all have a healthy and competitive Royal Rumble Match. :D :D

Happy Trails!
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Just'ah move it along little boy . . .

It maybe'uh ironic that I'm the Airebral Airsassian, yet I gasp for air each time I open my mouth. But'ah I could do away with you holding'uh my breathe. So go to the back, and clean my jock strap before you make me mad'uh . . . .
Monsiuer Clubito, surely you are mistaken to have not placed me, who has won every battle royal I've participated in as well as the very rumble preceding this year. :D :D

However, I do understand the reasoning behind protecting everyone else from being beaten yet a third time and by taking the everyone's biggest threat away it increases someone else's chances at winning. I guess that is perfectly fine by me because I guess I shouldn't be winning everything around here all of the time. :D I mean, my Michael Jordan is outshining all of these Gary Paytons, and Karl Malones, and Charles Barkleys, and you've made me realize that it'd be ridiculous to keep me in because I'd probably win five more times in a row and start some outrageous dynasty. :frown: :frown: Not because I want to keep everyone down with my skill, but it's unfortunately inherent of me to do so. :frown:

That'd be no good for everyone else like the young and beautiful diva's championship, El Cubano, who has yet to get a win in this company. You're right Monsiuer Clubito! I should help him by not participating! I'm seeing your grand plan here. The threat of a dynasty is too great! Surely even you want to win without me there to take it away from you right? :D :D I should tone down my skill level a bunch of steps down I guess so all you other fellows can keep up! I did it for my wonderful comrade Peep_Game, he was just a gentle Zack Ryder before I gave the title to him and look what he's done for the company since! I let him beat me and he's been the longest reigning USChamp in existence!

In conclusion, I am too big of a threat to everyone winning and must focus on helping my comrades in this company as we are all brothers. Starting with the lowest title just an inch above the diva's title, the NTCore title. Hymenicus J Man, I am here to do Monsiuer Clubito's bidding! I am coming to push you to the sky with my humble ability! :D :D

Happy Trails!

Every inch counts!

View media item 234687
Deek, you are nothing more than a soft punk-*** has been. Did you lose your smile while you were gone? Your long hiatus from the NTWT means you have lost it, you have nothing to offer the NTWT Universe.. I look forward to our match at NTRR because I will prove to the world.. that not only am I better than you.. but that I am the best in this damn business. While you're living in the past, I'm embracing the future.. keep mentioning your past accomplishments because that's the only place you'll find solace come January 27th. Not only will I slap that nice guy smile off your face in our match, I'll personally send you packin' in the NTRR - assuming you get a spot due to nobody even knowing/caring that you're still in this business.
[COLOR=#red]Hymen that was complete a-s. And at NO point in time have you been the best. Come on kid. Just put down the mic. I grow tired of your buffoonery.

theDork... keep giving me Gold. Well done. You are all my puppets... now, entertain me.

ITO rehashed something he's said 100 times before in red font?

Yep, thanks for ruining one of the more successful wrestling threads in a while.
What is going on in here???

We have a new Robby Piper gimmick!

DCmania is running wild!

I'm gonna have to come in and drop a Mean Street Posse pipe bomb soon!
My money's on Bo Dallas even though I don't care for the dude.
I'm hoping for PAC. He'd be able to display some awesome spots during the Rumble.

I really wanted to see Bray Wyatt in that video, but I guess not. :frown: Still anxiously awaiting his debut.
View media item 234908
[COLOR=#red]I know you aren't bright, here it is just in case you didn't get it. It's a swing and a miss, you tried buckeroo. Now go sit down. Don't worry or be embarrassed, it's our little secret. :wink:[/COLOR]

View media item 234901
are you guys really going back and back at each other ???????

is it like if you guys were wrestlers or what???? i was looking for spoilers and came acroos this.........if yall are pretending to be wrestlers....i guess...its cool.
I'm new to this but I love all the **** talking that's going down in here with the gimmicks. Glad and proud to be the ravishing one!
are you guys really going back and back at each other ???????

is it like if you guys were wrestlers or what???? i was looking for spoilers and came acroos this.........if yall are pretending to be wrestlers....i guess...its cool.

Dude, Club is a real wrestler. Okay, man. He's being trained by WWF's Babu's...5th extended cousin. Or something like that.
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