You know what, I'm gonna give Miz a pass. He wasn't trying to do the Figure Four, he wanted to do that Ken Shamrock ankle lock variation. That's it, it has to be.
Did you get those off TM or from the travel package? I have been waiting most of the day to get HBK and Bret Hart.

Travel package, ticketmaster has been so crappy today. Hopefully they are up soon and I'll try to get the rest + they increased the price.
Me and my brother have 2 GA tickets from the package but he is a huge Bret Hart fan so I have been trying for the sunday vip tickets.
Im looking at some old Scott Steiner promos and this guy was the OG pimebomb

He's Fat

my co worker is a local indy wrestler here in winnipeg and he was in a show with steiner this past friday. said he was a d! he was on the radio friday morning and not a single damn was given. he was swearing, called hogan a piece of shh.
Royal Rumble Drinking Game.

To Begin
Take a shot of your favorite spirit if entrants #1 and #2 have some sort of obvious pre-existing history (SIP drink for all else below)
Drink if entrant #3 is a pawn that does nothing but interrupt the #1 vs. #2 fight.
Drink again if eliminated before #4 enters, again if #4 is eliminated before #5 enters, etc.
If Santino Marella or Cody Rhodes enters between #2-6 (I just have a feeling)

Rumble Cliches

Anytime a superstar points at the hanging "Wrestlemania XVIII" sign
Staredown between two "big men"
Four or more superstars rally together to eliminate a "big man"
Pre-match allies double cross one another


Every surprise "vintage" entrant (mostly, out of elation)
Every former world champ crammed entering spots #24-#30
If a wrestler from the WWE or WHC matches enters
Brodus Clay dances with his ladies in ring


Every time a standard maneuver causes a delayed or leaping elimination (ie botched elimination)
Eliminated contestant re-enters the ring, causes revenge elimination in some way

Throughout the Royal Rumble
Every twitter popup
Waterfall during a promo if a wrestler grabs a microphone during the RR match
Mention of RAW vs. Smackdown, double with implication of making decisions out of brand loyalty

Commentary cliches

"BOTH feet much touch the floor"
"Skinning the cat"
"[This is my] Prediction to win"
"...has an advantage as the fresh man in"
"Favorite match of the year"
"Dark horse prediction"
"Trending Worldwide"

TO CLARIFY: Everything but rule #1 is just a SIP of beer, or your favorite drink!
It doesn't make any sense for Dolph to be in the Rumble, or win it for that matter. He already has a title shot whenever he wants it.
He has a Heavyweight title shot, but he's better than that right now. The WWE Title is in his future, hopefully sooner rather than later.
You know what, I'm gonna give Miz a pass. He wasn't trying to do the Figure Four, he wanted to do that Ken Shamrock ankle lock variation. That's it, it has to be.
Captain Save A Miz.
OTR though, vid of the shamrock version?


FF to 7:00 (....or just watch this mildly entertaining Shamrock/Prince Albert match)

Miz's figure 4 started out looking like the Nagata Lock

This was perfect. Ngata Lock. Miz was going for a Ngata Lock. Problem solved.
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inb4 Mizata Lock.

could someone photoshop the pic i posted on the previous page?

im looking to do sort of an Obama "change" thing. but instead of 'change', i want it to say 'TALENT' (with my face in place of Obama obvies)

im gonna put that on t-shirts and hawk 'em at Indy shows.

if I use your design, ill send you a couple for free and shout your name out during my next match

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Peep Game... Let that man stew in his fail stew.

He chose this! He got too geeked about Flair giving him his blessing to use his move and goofed. That's it man. :smh: I'm just as shocked as you but he simply sucks.

Ken Shamrock was the man though. Another instance where a guy was pushed to the moon and Vince & Company snatched him back by his boot straps. Oh and don't give me the BS about him sucking on the mic.
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