WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Macbk that made me mad. Miz can beat that dude clean but noooo they needed to have them two dorks interfere in the match.
First of all I'd like to thank JBL. His pathetic performance at the RR and a little help from Newz05 and the whole NTWT fam allowed me to fulfill a lifetime dream. I can now say I've had kaitlyn on my bed. Many thanks for this dubious honor. :pimp:

I shall keep this for the dark times.View media item 804335

You're welcome, enjoy it.
Not for nothing inspite of the hate he receives, Randall is always putting folks over!

Agreed, which is why I never really complain when he has the belt. For awhile now, Orton has put over a lot of people at a high rate, almost rivaling the Rock in that aspect. Also, just like Rock, Orton doesn't really get his victories back, nor does it take the hand of God to beat him. Unlike Cena and HHH, who I'll say 99% of the time, they will beat you after being run over by an 18-wheeler. And when they do lose, you end up looking like a ***** (ex: HHH vs Brock II, HHH vs Undertaker II, Cena vs Miz, HHH vs Sheamus, etc)

Will watch Cesaro vs Orton later

Agreed, which is why I never really complain when he has the belt. For awhile now, Orton has put over a lot of people at a high rate, almost rivaling the Rock in that aspect. Also, just like Rock, Orton doesn't really get his victories back, nor does it take the hand of God to beat him. Unlike Cena and HHH, who I'll say 99% of the time, they will beat you after being run over by an 18-wheeler. And when they do lose, you end up looking like a ***** (ex: HHH vs Brock II, HHH vs Undertaker II, Cena vs Miz, HHH vs Sheamus, etc)

Will watch Cesaro vs Orton later

Cena is worse. That man No Sold divorce :x
:lol: :lol: :lol: at Alicia Fox vs Eva Marie getting edited out of Smackdown. I could only imagine how awful it was. Fox as improved a lot, and is really good at selling, but she can't carry somebody currently as hapless as Eva. They're basically putting her in position to fail.

Cena really did no sell divorce, treated it like a hiptoss :lol:

My guy Big E sounding like cliched company man on commentary. Let him live :smh:

Didn't notice before, after Darren Young ripped Titus' pants to shreads, Titus almost tossed the steel steps on Sandow :rofl: So much for Sandow's MITB case elevating him though
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The Rock is NOT better than Flair.

Agreed..Nobody is better than Flair..His NWA/WCW work is the stuff of legend..But I also understand why someone would think Austin or Rock is the best when that's who they grew up on and never saw Ric in his early years/prime..
Although I grew up far from Flairs prime, I have to say he's one of the GOATs, because

even without having a context or love for his era, his promos feel magical in a way.

The conviction, style and energy he spoke with is almost unparalleled. 

His in ring work does nothing for me though. But I admit that that time period of wrestling

70s-80s in general bores me, and I am a fan of that indy, spot-fest wrestling style. 
Though Flair's an all-time great in the ring and on the mic, on the mic he doesn't resonate with me like Rock and Austin. Funny enough, Macho Man does.
- It's been reported that Scott Hall's name has been discussed within WWE in regards to a possible Hall of Fame induction this year. Hall recently received a "verified" mark on Twitter, as did confirmed 2014 WWE Hall of Famers Jake Roberts, Lita and The Ultimate Warrior.

Hall tweeted and added to the speculation that he will be inducted this year:

"Me @JakeSnakeDDT and @AmyDumas all verified at the same time. Hmmm...."

"Add @UltimateWarrior to that same list...hmmm"
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