WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER PPV 2/23 - WWE Title EC Match | Shield v Wyatts | PPV Pred Contest

Just turned to TNA and was that Willow guy Jeff Hardy's new gimmick?

he's doing that willow wisp character? the one he would do on his website where he'd get high put on a mask and **** around with a weed wacker?
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I'm guessing Steph is preparing to take that Divas title from AJ, so she can close at WM with HHH as they celebrate together like Eddie and Benoit.
I'm guessing Steph is preparing to take that Divas title from AJ, so she can close at WM with HHH as they celebrate together like Eddie and Benoit.
damn, this is really not that farfetched and can happen
Kevin Steen and Michael Elgin are supposed to be getting tryouts at the performance center in the next few weeks. I could definitely see them signing Elgin, but he would need a manager to talk for him. If Steen lost about 30 pounds or so, I think he could get a chance too.
Smackdown Spoilers - Lots of Multi-man Matches & Orton v Cesaro

Bad news Barrett comes out right after the match and trashes about valentines day that after that holiday people look in the mirror and are disgusted with themselves. He called Ontario fat pigs.

as someone who lived in the area for 6 years, hes right, literally (farms) :lol:
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2003 Heel Rock = Best Rock. People wanted to hate him but he was just so da** entertaining. Hollywood Rock had the best song/intro, look (fresh tattoo before he extended it to his whole pec) + heelish "I'm better than you attitude." Definitely cut one of the best heel promos of all time in Toronto. King is money here too :rofl:

Let's throw one back to one of the best wrestlers out of the attitude era.
Rey with a schedule like Taker is just silly. He has no mystique and no one over 8 really gives a dang about him.
Of course he has no mystique. We see him every day. But he should be used more as an attraction than a "use him every day" type of dude.

From a durability standpoint this should be an obvious choice.
@The Nevill 3rd Rope Asai Moonsault

As crazy as this sounds., I always felt landing on your feet after a dive/Asai Moonsault/Plancha makes it look worse. Takes away from the impact.
Havent watched any of Mutoh's matches lately, but he probably does he do the dragon screw leg whip before or after throwing those dropkicks to the leg.

Mr Perfect had some good dropkicks as well.
I know this is probably common knowledge to most of you here but I stumbled upon an article about Hulk Hogan speaking on Sting. Said he tried to get Vince to bring him to WWF right after Wrestlemania 3 so he could turn heel...

"I have unbelievable respect for Sting - he doesn’t realise how good he really is...Sting should have already had his New York (WWE) run. I’ll tell you something; when I got red-hot after WrestleMania III, I was begging Vince to get Sting in the WWF so I could turn heel at some point. He had the blond hair, he was 10 times more athletic than me, and I believed this guy could have the same run as Hulkamania, but take it 10 times bigger. I was telling Vince (McMahon), ‘Let me get this guy over’, because after beating Andre, if they’d brought Sting in and had him beat me, it would have made him this tall (gestures with his hand above his head).

But Sting wouldn’t come; we tried and tried, but he just would not jump. Vince even talked to him last year, but still Sting wouldn’t go."
I think I watch that Rock in Toronto promo twice a year :lol:

"I have unbelievable respect for Sting - he doesn’t realise how good he really is...Sting should have already had his New York (WWE) run. I’ll tell you something; when I got red-hot after WrestleMania III, I was begging Vince to get Sting in the WWF so I could turn heel at some point. He had the blond hair, he was 10 times more athletic than me, and I believed this guy could have the same run as Hulkamania, but take it 10 times bigger. I was telling Vince (McMahon), ‘Let me get this guy over’, because after beating Andre, if they’d brought Sting in and had him beat me, it would have made him this tall (gestures with his hand above his head).

But Sting wouldn’t come; we tried and tried, but he just would not jump. Vince even talked to him last year, but still Sting wouldn’t go."

This just makes me think of the possible ripple effects there could have been. Meh, don't feel like.
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