WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

Main event as weak, but I enjoyed the show overall.

US title match was solid.
Del Rio v Show was solid.
Dolph v Kofi was a nice suprise.
Womens match was meh, but it always is.
Chamber match was great.
And the Shield shined.
I was waiting for this thread to explode again if Rock beat Punk with the People's Elbow for a second time.

This rematch was better than their first match at the Rumble, but overall it was just  "Eh".

Something always seems off when Punk and Rock wrestle each other. Whoever said it was spot on about them having no ring chemistry.
Dude in the blazer, Lesnar guy, we hate Cena guy, and ambiguously gay Hogan guy are almost in every show.

**** will explode if they're all in the same building.
Main event as weak, but I enjoyed the show overall.

US title match was solid.
Del Rio v Show was solid.
Dolph v Kofi was a nice suprise.
Womens match was meh, but it always is.
Chamber match was great.
And the Shield shined.
I'll never say a good thing about a match miz is involved with.  Plus the finish was awful.

The WHC, EC, and 6man matches were all very good.  Enjoyed all of them.
Everyone here can complain all they want about not wanting to see Cena/Rock 2 and Lesnar/HHH 2, but the fact is, this year's WM will be the biggest money maker in WWE history.  Catering to the masses is much more important than catering to a small number of angry internet fans, many that will end up buying the show anyway.
Everyone here can complain all they want about not wanting to see Cena/Rock 2 and Lesnar/HHH 2, but the fact is, this year's WM will be the biggest money maker in WWE history.  Catering to the masses is much more important than catering to a small number of angry internet fans, many that will end up buying the show anyway.

So True |I
Sting, Hogan, Angle. They don't bury them because it's "good for business"
Fixed. As for Sting, ehhh. Always will be a legend but just needs to retire. It's like Ric Flair post 2005. People gave him the respect but he was obviously past his prime. His Joker gimmick is stale. 
Everyone here can complain all they want about not wanting to see Cena/Rock 2 and Lesnar/HHH 2, but the fact is, this year's WM will be the biggest money maker in WWE history.  Catering to the masses is much more important than catering to a small number of angry internet fans, many that will end up buying the show anyway.

Yep. The event is pretty much sold out too right?

Seriously though I feel that was a great show. Was it perfect? No. Now shut up. We only have a short while before The Great Tribulation begins. Another Cena title reign. :smh: that **** is going to feel like the end of the world.
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I'm behind in the thread, so it may have already been posted.

The Rock will be done after WrestleMania for a number of months.  He will be back to work SummerSlam this year, as well as WrestleMania next year.  He will face Brock Lesnar in at least one of these matches.
Seriously, he's the total package to be the company's #1 heel but they seem to want to eventually ruin him

It's amazing he's still over at this pt
I feel like ZIggler needs to get rid of Big E and AJ Lee. I don't see anyone taking him seriously as a champion with those two around
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