WWE Elimination Chamber PPV 2/17 - Rock v Punk WWE Title Match, SD Elim Chamber | PPV Pred Contest!

I was waiting for someone to make a gif of that :nthat:

Word :lol: :pimp:

And McCool retired. Didn't realize how many injuries she had before even getting into wrestling. I liked that she actually knew how to wrestle, but didn't like that she was a black hole of charisma, like Nick Young's offense or something.
the olympics is dropping wrestling from the 2020 olympics, im pretty sure none of you care since the olympics doesnt have a soap opera type story to it.

I'm almost willing to bet you know absolutely nothing about wrestling but decided this would be a good place to prove how cool you are.

*in before Google researched facts and amateur wrestling background

[COLOR=#red]He is either being a douche or He is just being sincere and a douche.

As someone who has wrestled since the age of 10 and has coached for the longest... I'm just shaking my head at how much the Olympics are such a joke. The purest form of a combat sport in the Olympics is gone, something that dates long before the Olympics. We will never see MMA in our lifetime. I'm pretty pissed off about this. They already buried the sport, no damn coverage. But to drop it and keep god damn archery... among many other things. I just don't know what the hell people are thinking.[/COLOR]
He is either being a douche or He is just being sincere and a douche.

As someone who has wrestled since the age of 10 and has coached for the longest... I'm just shaking my head at how much the Olympics are such a joke. The purest form of a combat sport in the Olympics is gone, something that dates long before the Olympics. We will never see MMA in our lifetime. I'm pretty pissed off about this. They already buried the sport, no damn coverage. But to drop it and keep god damn archery... among many other things. I just don't know what the hell people are thinking.
sincere and a douche..

theres still kids that are wrestling in high school to maybe one day have a chance to make it to the olympics, wrestling is all YOU, your body your moves, its not like basketball where you can sit on a bench and ride your teams coattails.
sincere and a douche..

theres still kids that are wrestling in high school to maybe one day have a chance to make it to the olympics, wrestling is all YOU, your body your moves, its not like basketball where you can sit on a bench and ride your teams coattails.

[COLOR=#red]Growing up in the sport, wrestling year round all over the states, I fully agree. My douche comment was for you saying:[/COLOR]

im pretty sure none of you care since the olympics doesnt have a soap opera type story to it.

[COLOR=#red]Clearly you were wrong seeing as I was a damn good wrestler for many years and yet these clowns are here to entertain me as well. [/COLOR]
sincere and a douche..

theres still kids that are wrestling in high school to maybe one day have a chance to make it to the olympics, wrestling is all YOU, your body your moves, its not like basketball where you can sit on a bench and ride your teams coattails.

[COLOR=#red]Growing up in the sport, wrestling year round all over the states, I fully agree. My douche comment was for you saying:[/COLOR]

im pretty sure none of you care since the olympics doesnt have a soap opera type story to it.

[COLOR=#red]Clearly you were wrong seeing as I was a damn good wrestler for many years and yet these clowns are here to entertain me as well. [/COLOR]
You wrestle in college ITO?
Still can't get over Cesaro playing Wii Golf with Miz :lol: those back to back gifs were the greatest ever
You wrestle in college ITO?
No I coached college wrestlers at my local JC where I practiced. I wanted to fight MMA so I trained in a lot of Muy Thai and Jiu Jitsu, had 3 amateur fights and went 3-0 with 2 subs and a TKO. But I blew out my knee and being young, broke and having no insurance or sponsors meant delayed surgery. (2 years)... I didn't know then I could still fight with a torn knee. I thought it would just give out on me and I couldn't hide it from the doc. But live and ya learn. I love coaching and I actually have a meeting today with some investors about getting a gym for training. So we'll see.[/COLOR]
What's going on with the Usos?

WWE is sitting on a respectable tag team division and don't even know it. Usos, Primo & Epico, Tensai & Brodus, PTP and others. Also instead of wasting Zack Ryder with this gimmick, put him back with Curt Hawkins.

Its amazing when you look at WWE's roster and see all the guys just collecting checks :smh: . Four television shows. What a waste.
What's going on with the Usos?

WWE is sitting on a respectable tag team division and don't even know it. Usos, Primo & Epico, Tensai & Brodus, PTP and others. Also instead of wasting Zack Ryder with this gimmick, put him back with Curt Hawkins.

Its amazing when you look at WWE's roster and see all the guys just collecting checks :smh: . Four television shows. What a waste.

Agree with all of that. If NXT was back on tv, we'd be able to see the tag team tournament that's been going on. I don't remember if the Usos are/were in it, but both them and Primo/Epico have been having a lot of matches on there. I feel like both teams can really bring something to the table, but they're just low on the pecking order.

Just for ***** and giggles if you haven't already seen it
Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater vs The Usos & Trent Baretta
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You're a lying sack of camel crap if this didn't get you pumped up back in the day.

WWE Main Event on ION Channel Yall.

I am telling yall as if I am not the one that is watching for the first time. LOL
:rofl: :rofl: They used to advertise that album in WOW Magazine (which I subscribed to back then), but I never knew they were covers, thought they were the actual themes, LOLOL
Well my problem with the Rock getting the title was how he got it. He just threw himself into the match without having to earn it. Didn't enter the Royal Rumble, didn't have a #1 contenders match nothing.
That's a fair complaint. On Raw 1000 he said "I just received word that I'm facing..." but they didn't elaborate any further than that.

We all know though it happens ALL the time in current WWE...they stay handing out random title shots for no good reason (not just WWE/World Title but the rest of the belts). I get why people are annoyed but I'm just not hung up on it as much because I've come to expect it from them, as sad as that might sound. It's whatever to me. 
The Rock being champion doesn't make the belt more important because he's just a transitional champion which is what everyone doesn't like because it get devalued in the process.
After what Punk did for the belt in those 434 days, there wasn't anyone in the world who was gonna make it more prestigious than he did. It's in good standing now and that's all thanks to him. Rock holding it for 70 days* isn't gonna devalue it. For all his success with movies, the mainstream public still associates him with wrestling so an overwhelming majority view him as a credible champion. Regardless of what we think, what really matters to Vince is making money and getting the best return on his investment...it was a business decision to have Rock hold the belt...nothing more, nothing less.

Not pointing the finger at you but there's folks acting like it's David Arquette or Vince Russo all over again.
Dudes gotta chill.

*Fun fact for the kiddies: the potential 70 day reign (assuming he loses it to Cena @ WM) would actually be Rock's 2nd longest of his 10 times as World or WWF/E Champ.

And its not always about having heels look cool. It doesn't help the WWE that their most engaging "performers" are heels. The faces they currently have are boring and are stale, Daniel Bryan included because of the Team Hell No thing. They took the reaction to Yes following WM and ran it into the ground.
Agreed. It's something they need to work on and it's not just the wrestlers either. WWE has had the "bland face" issue for a while...I don't want to blame it on PG since that's a cop out. I think they need better writers in creative and more charismatic guys on the roster who can get over on their own. Bryan's gimmick might be tired now but he's a perfect example of someone who accomplished that.

The smart(er) wrestling critic fan will almost always gravitate towards heels because of the circumstances so I get why the IWC loves them some bad guys...

...BUT people should also understand that marks fuel this business and they are the ones promoters will try to appease more often than not. It's been that way forever in professional wrestling and it's not gonna change anytime soon.
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