Wrestling Thread Sep 15-Oct 5 | October 5th, 1982 A Wrestling/NT/Cat Legend Was Born

Ya'll give Miz waaay too much credit. Sandow deserves all the praise.

Miz has been Miz since The Real World  
WWE should have Breeze join Miz' crew and then have them feud with each other over who has the better "moneymaker". Would probably be the best way to bring him up to the main roster, IMO....Then let Prince Pretty cook
How about Mizdow getting jealous because Miz is hanging out more with Breeze?
Miz only got better once Sandow joined. That completed the gimmick. At first it was like cool bro you think you're an actor, now it's like, man Sandow is funny.
Pollock and Wai are absolutely killing last nights ep of RAW was it that bad? Glad I didn't watch it.
Meangene45 Meangene45 how you gonna root against your "favorite wrestler" just for the sake of a contest...? :smh: you must not have as much faith in him as you say you do. :lol: Miz has improved but his talents don't warrant the amount of love the company has for him. If he was never on The Real World he probably wouldn't still be employed with the company. But connections have always been a key staple in wrestling as far as who goes over and who gets held back...
Miz has improved since he 1st came in, but he just should've never been WWE champ, especially headlining Wrestlemania (though I dug his cash-in). He should've always bee no higher than IC/US, but benefitted from the dearth of...well, everything in 2011
Meangene45 Meangene45 how you gonna root against your "favorite wrestler" just for the sake of a contest...? :smh: you must not have as much faith in him as you say you do. :lol: Miz has improved but his talents don't warrant the amount of love the company has for him. If he was never on The Real World he probably wouldn't still be employed with the company. But connections have always been a key staple in wrestling as far as who goes over and who gets held back...
I already explained myself on that. I picked him to win the battle royal at wm didn't win. I picked him to beat Ziggler the first time didn't win. I didn't pick him to win the title he wins the title. I told him I wasn't going to pick him and he went out and won the match at the end of the day he won.
I already explained myself on that. I picked him to win the battle royal at wm didn't win. I picked him to beat Ziggler the first time didn't win. I didn't pick him to win the title he wins the title. I told him I wasn't going to pick him and he went out and won the match at the end of the day he won.
:rofl: excellent retort good sir. I had to give you some grief just like you do all fans of Dolph Ziggler. You're a better heel than most so I have no qualms with you. Plus we both like Orton. :smokin
@MeanGene , stop explaining yourself to these suckas man. They don't know true talent when they see it. Let them continue to slurp that Broke Man's Mr. Perfect Gunn if they want.
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