Wrestling Thread Oct 6-19: 10/13 RAW - Ric Flair Returns, Big Show vs Rusev, Todd Crisley

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Mike FutterVerified account@Futterish
For WWE 2K15 fans. No, all six things are NOT included in the season pass. Just the Accelerator and three story lines.

[QUOTE url="[URL]https://twitter.com/Futterish[/URL]"]
Mike FutterVerified account@Futterish
The other items (NXT, WCW, move pack) will be available at a discount, a la carte for season pass holders.


Anybody have a vid/gif of Orton's RKO last night.

Missed Raw last night due to studying but I heard it was awesome
Regarding Justin Roberts, his contract was up and WWE chose not to renew it. He also appeared to get into a heated argument with Cole. A fan said that he also flipped Cole the bird.

-It has recently been reported that Triple H offered Kurt Angle a full time deal with the WWE. This is against the wishes of Kurt Angle as he wishes to work a schedule that his body can handle. It is believe he will return to TNA. 
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Regarding Angle, HHH offered him a full time deal. WWE is not interested in a part time deal for him, but TNA is. Looks like Angle will stay there.
Don't even care about Bryan anymore. It's his fault for not getting the surgery asap. But na son wanted to be a hippie and do it all natural.
Don't even care about Bryan anymore. It's his fault for not getting the surgery asap. But na son wanted to be a hippie and do it all natural.

Crap like that makes me so annoyed..When athletes in the NFL, NBA, MLB wait til after they go on a month long vacation to get a surgery it pissed me off..Why sacrifice training camp or the beginning of the season just so you can "relax" at the end of the previous season?..It's the same with these wrestlers..I know you could lose your push, but why not get a surgery, get healthy, and then get things rolling again so there won't be any interruptions to your momentum..
That sucks for Daniel Bryan. I'm sure he will bounce back, but do you guys think his momentum will be the same?
They should at least give Kurt an apperance on raw before he signs with tna again. I want to hear them horns 1 last time.
No nothing.

In terms of frequency it is Cena/Orton.

This will be the 5th(?) non-G1 singles match Tanahashi and Okada have had in 3 years? As part of a roster where there's about 30 guys? And they're both clear main eventers? That really doesn't seem excessive ala Orton/Cena to me. And there's actually reason for the match.

The last G1 was about Okada stepping up and making a statement. He was going to win G1 and get the strap back jack. During the tourney he established that this isn't the same Okada who sat back with the belt arrogantly believing he could beat anyone. This Okada has tasted defeat and he knows if he wants "his" title back he needs to give it his all against everyone else. Losing to Styles gave Okada's character some perspective. Since losing the strap he's been way more fired up and no nonsense and winning G1 was a statement of "I'm not going anywhere, and I will get my title back". He isn't "champ okada" anymore. He is hungrier than ever and grabbing that brass ring.

Meanwhile Tanahashi lost the series to Okada last year and since then hasn't even been able to get a sniff of the title. Okada was the only one stopping him from being the champion. Tana calls himself the Ace and plays up his love of the fans, but for someone like that who prides himself on being that guy, it has got to hurt you that you were never able to topple this young upstart in the end. He feels like he let his fans down and people are talking about how his time on top is up. After the main event when Okada came out he even referenced this by saying "Thank you for your hard work. You call yourself the Sun of NJPW? Well, I guess you're not bright enough. And the sun is going down."

Unlike Cena/Orton...This is legitimately the final part of this rivalry. The torch passing is happening at WK. Tanahashi: "And you may make money rain, but you will not be the new sun of NJPW. Because I'm still here." This is the final match in the rivalry between the past and the future. A man trying to protect what he holds dear, and a man who believes it's his right to take that all for himself. Okada is coming for Tanahashi and Tanahashi refuses to step aside.

I think this is Tanahashi's last run with the belt. He gets to break the record and cement Okada as the new Ace without a shadow of doubt.

These two always deliver when they wrestle each other. Its cool to prefer fresh match-ups but in this case the booking is solid. The crowd was chanting welcome back to Tanahashi after he won. The crowd popped huge for the promo and the posing at the end. I honestly can't find one reason to dislike this aside from just being mad about seeing a rematch.

Cena/Orton.. Pff.
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