Wrestling Thread Oct 6-19: 10/13 RAW - Ric Flair Returns, Big Show vs Rusev, Todd Crisley

even if we all bought all of ambrose or daniel bryans merchandise, we attended all the house shows they headlined, subscribe to the network, buy ppvs featuring them as the headliner, watch their segments instead of watching MNF....

It doesn't matter, the demographic cena hits, outnumbers us by faaaar....

So until someone can pull in those kids who influence their parents to take them to the john cena headlined shows and to buy the merch...

unless cena retires or turns heel, he WILL ALWAYS BE ON TOP

it's like, "why would you give up something that makes you 100+ million revenue year after year, for someone who can bring in 1/3 of that max?"

Would you listen to the hardcore fans?

why do you think they are molding Roman Reigns into John Cena? Because in today's day and age it is a fact, the John Cena mold is what attracts the most ratings, the most sold merch, the most attended house shows, the largest ppv rate, basically anything that is financially important for the company he is the reason for.

It sucks but it's true.
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Your logic is extremely flawed. I wasn't watching the product when Cena's run began but I highly doubt ratings and such were going to through the roof immediately. That's something that occured over time.
i dont care about autographs or the fact he went home,his *** can stay home.dude is OVERRATED.I stand by my opinion.he aint bring in these magical ratings as you say,"regular" people havent been watching wrestling since stone cold left and cm punk def didnt make them come watch again.cuz theyre still not watching.he steals more moves than dolph ,his promo game is mediocre but looks great cuz everyone sucked at that time.what has he done to transcend the wrestling biz? the pipebomb that only you wrestling internet nerds know or care about?hes not even in my top 20 wrestlers of all time or top 20 promo guys.its pretty sad you dudes been fed garbage for so long he looks like macho man out there to ya,wwe gotta do better.
Who said CM Punk brought in any magical ratings?

But everything you said, I just can't agree with. Everyone sucks, so that is why he stood out? You have to be able to bring a stronger argument than that man.
CM Punk can only compete in the era in which he was born. How are you going to punish him for being in a weak era? Bill Russell said it best when he was talking about LeBron once on an NBA Hangtime Podcast. He HATES when people compare athletes vs. athletes of different eras.

Are you really going to fault someone for not playing basketball when Jordan was in his prime? As a result you call him overrated? No, you judge someone based on what they do when they are working/playing/alive. That is ALL you can do from a logical standpoint. Everything else is emotional and hypothetical.

CM Punk has EVERY skill imaginable for a pro wrestler. No weaknesses. In ring, charisma, Mic Work. What can't he do? Not a got damn thing.

But he is overrated because he wrestles in a weak era. Again, you gotta come stronger than that playa.
Who said CM Punk brought in any magical ratings?

But everything you said, I just can't agree with. Everyone sucks, so that is why he stood out? You have to be able to bring a stronger argument than that man.
CM Punk can only compete in the era in which he was born. How are you going to punish him for being in a weak era? Bill Russell said it best when he was talking about LeBron once on an NBA Hangtime Podcast. He HATES when people compare athletes vs. athletes of different eras.

Are you really going to fault someone for not playing basketball when Jordan was in his prime? As a result you call him overrated? No, you judge someone based on what they do when they are working/playing/alive. That is ALL you can do from a logical standpoint. Everything else is emotional and hypothetical.

CM Punk has EVERY skill imaginable for a pro wrestler. No weaknesses. In ring, charisma, Mic Work. What can't he do? Not a got damn thing.

But he is overrated because he wrestles in a weak era. Again, you gotta come stronger than that playa.
lol only #deepsea could bring me back into a debate i dont want to be in anymore 

cant compare cm punk to lebron,lebron brings in ratings ,puts butts in the seats if you wanna compare lebron to anyone its cena,even in a weak era still brings in the money.like someone said punk had the chance to bring in ratings and didnt.dont care that hes gones wont care if he comes back. never said he wasnt skilled,just not top 20,name being chanted, people **** riding him all the time skilled.YA dudes overrate him that is all.

let my girl worry about how strong i come ,playa 


Would probably follow Raw/SD even less and stick to NXT/NJPW/ROH.

punk stinks.
my dude 
I like Dolph but he's about to get washed by Seth. So that would make it 3 straight losses the past 2 SmackDowns and Raw combined.
cant compare cm punk to lebron,lebron brings in ratings ,puts butts in the seats if you wanna compare lebron to anyone its cena,even in a weak era still brings in the money.like someone said punk had the chance to bring in ratings and didnt.dont care that hes gones wont care if he comes back. never said he wasnt skilled,just not top 20,name being chanted, people **** riding him all the time skilled.YA dudes overrate him that is all.

let my girl worry about how strong i come ,playa
You completely missed my point. I was not comparing Punk to LeBron. I was comparing taking someone out of their era and comparing them to greats of other eras. I brought up LeBron because Russell was discussing LeBron in a similar discussion to this one. I am not comparing LeBron and Punk.

Who said Punk was Top 20? YOU brought that up and said he wasn't in your Top 20. Nobody argued for or against that point.

Again, why is he overrated? You have not given us any reason.

We RATE him as a great in ring worker.
We RATE him as great on the mic.
We RATE him as being charasmatic

We do not RATE him as being a wrestling SUPERSTAR. Something that only a handful of people can claim in the history of the sport. None of us ever said Punk was that. We simply said that WE LIKE HIM.

So again, based on what we rate him as, good in ring, on mic, high charisma, how is he overrated?
I like Dolph but he's about to get washed by Seth. So that would make it 3 straight losses the past 2 SmackDowns and Raw combined.

Cheap Heat brought up an interesting point. Do wins/loses even matter in today's landscape anymore?

The fact that Dolph has back to back matches with the top two heels in the company.....
What have I started with the cm punk post? :frown: Douchebag or not the man was entertaining. :pimp: all I gotta say sure he left like a punk (punk intended) but he was damn entertaining. On the mic. In the ring.
-As we reported earlier in the week, it appears as if negotiations between WWE and Kurt Angle have ceased as WWE was only interested in Angle returning to the company full-time, an offer which Angle reportedly turned down.

According to the most recent edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, backstage word in TNA is that Angle will be remaining with the company. TNA officials want people to believe, however, that Angle is leaving the company so it’s a big surprise when he returns.
-WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley recently talked to the Seaway News in anticipation of his speaking performance in Cornwall, Ontario, next week.

Foley talked about what his show is like, his WWE history including quitting WWE after the Montreal Screwjob, if he gets heckled, and more. You can read a few excerpts below:

Foley on expectations for his shows:

“I don’t want people to think it’s a comedy,” said Foley in a telephone interview with Seaway News. “It’s not joke-telling. It’s a wrestling-centered storytelling show that is based primarily in humour, but doesn’t have to be funny. It’s like taking fans on the same kind of emotional journey that a wrestling match would.”

Mick Foley On Quitting WWE:

“This will be my first return to Cornwall since ’97 when I quit WWE over the Montreal Screwjob with Bret Hart,” he said in an interview with chinlock.com. “There was a Monday Night Raw that I missed following that pay-per-view out of protest. Then when my wife read my contract to me over the phone and I realized I’d just breached my contract and couldn’t work anywhere in the world for five years, I did return in Cornwall. I try to take every city where I’ve had history and incorporate it into the show.”
Wins and losses should matter but the E sapped the prestige out of them.

I completely agree since they started making us believe that what happened a month ago never happened at all.

I loved how during the attitude era, they used wins and losses as a way to create and fuel feuds.
-PWInsider is confirming reports that “Stone Cold” Steve Austin will start working with WWE more, and he get a more prominent role in the company next year.

WWE is currently working on plans for Austin for 2015, but nobody seems to know what exactly they have in mind for him. It was originally noted that WWE will push more Stone Cold merchandise and plug his podcast, but Austin is not expected to wrestle at WrestleMania 31.
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-As we reported yesterday, Ryback has been medically cleared to return to the ring, however WWE is in the process of coming up with creative plans to reintroduce him on TV.

Ryback’s tag team partner Curtis Axel has also been noticeably absent from WWE TV, however according to new information, the two should be back on TV within a month.

Reports have suggested WWE is toying with the idea of renewing Ryback’s singles push and tweaking his character/look upon his return to WWE TV, but that has yet to be confirmed.
Cheap Heat brought up an interesting point. Do wins/loses even matter in today's landscape anymore?

The fact that Dolph has back to back matches with the top two heels in the company.....
And Dolph just got curb stomped. :lol: but it's somewhere in the middle as far as the question you mentioned Cheap Heat brought up. I prefer a good match regardless of who puts it on and it's odd that the talent that produces some of the better WWE style matches gets the jobber treatment. Guys can be protected as far as wins and losses but unless they get a "what were they thinking title push?!?" :frown: (Miz and Jack Swagger come to mind) it doesn't change the fact they suck. Even with those wins to make them "credible" or "legitimized" in the sense of being a true top competitor in the Art/Sport of Wrestling.
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