Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

Damn Seth 
That's a true story that King just brought up.  A few months back, they were in San Antonio.  He drove the complete opposite direction and ended up in Dallas when he was supposed to drive to Laredo.  WWE had to get the corporate jet to get him to Raw in time.
Raw was terrible up until the final match. Match was great. Can't believe they had Shield lose their belts.
Damn, what an awesome main event.

Who would have thought Goldust would be main eventing and winning a championship in 2013? :lol:

Added ya Joe Cool.
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Match was awesome. Great ring work, great story, and a grreat finish. Made up for the rest of the show.
Rhodes Bros and Shield have had some really great work together recently. Been awesome to watch. Pretty much the lone bright spot in WWE right now IMO.
Raw was terrible up until the final match. Match was great. Can't believe they had Shield lose their belts.
im sure hhh will do some conspiracy angle and say since big show interfered (even though its no DQ) the match doesn't count.

the shield always puts on a good show. it will be a sad day when they get broken up
Why would anyone feel sympathy for the Bellas after what ***** they've been on Total Divas and Raw recently?
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