Wrestling Thread Oct 14-20 | 10/20 TNA Bound For Glory - Bully Ray v AJ Styles, Sting v Magnus, Angl

Randy getting that cheap heat..But that's the only kind he can get so I guess he's doing his best..
Yeah, not usually a fan of cheap heat, but he needed to get the crowd to turn on him and it worked.

He starts cutting a serious heel promo, and immediately HBK fires back with comedy.  Ugh.  Exactly what I have always hated about DX and Cena.
Why would you waste a Cena return of a B PPV anyway. As long as he's in the WHC picture let him cook tho.
Half panic on WWE's part, half Cena has been bored to death at home and wants to come back.  Still, bringing him back with zero build in a meaningless match again ADR isn't the way to do it.  Like Cornette always says... "How can I miss ya if you never leave."  Cena hasn't been gone long enough for his return to mean anything.
Right now the plan is for Orton v Bryan to be the only match within the Hell in a Cell.  Of course, this could change between now and the PPV.
Any of y'all photoshop experts wanna PS a Layla face over michelle McCool's face in my avy? Thanks in advance :wow:

Half panic on WWE's part, half Cena has been bored to death at home and wants to come back.  Still, bringing him back with zero build in a meaningless match again ADR isn't the way to do it.  Like Cornette always says... "How can I miss ya if you never leave."  Cena hasn't been gone long enough for his return to mean anything.
I still remember that speech he gave about being gone for a while, I was waiting for him to say he'd be "gone till November."  Dude has barely been gone for 2 months
As much as I dislike Stephanie and HHH, they do make great heels.  A babyface getting the best of them would be an awesome payoff.  It's just too bad that babyface is going to end up being Vince.
Now that the Bella's have been thrown into this storyline, I officially give zero damns. I'll fully watch again once Bryan has the belt and this over run storyline is over
Chanting to frustrate Ryback?  Or just because they are bored to death with this match.

Interesting they acknowledged the Goldberg chants for the first time.  I know the DVD is out, but it could mean something more at this point.  I'm actually hoping Goldberg comes back for Mania because I don't want something to fall through with Lesnar and have us end up with Taker and Ryback.
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