Wrestling Thread Oct 10-16 | 10/16 TNA Bound for Glory - Angle vs Roode, Sting vs Hogan

I'm getting sick of all the complaining going on in the NTWE. "I didn't get a title shot." "I got my spot taken from me by Club27." "Creative is against me, it's against us."

Everyone in the NTWE has to take the opportunity to make a name for themselves. As "The Founder" of the NTWE I can tell you that you that everyone is given what they can take. You know what most of your guys' problem is? You have no idea as to how to get over on your own.

Look at JNSQ. Guy almost lost balls. What did he do? He became the number one merchandise seller in the NTWE with the infamous codpiece.

Don't be like this guy who couldn't turn himself around.
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Start taking.

Club has been signed and released more times than I can count..
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

BREAKING NEWS: Club29 Is Released From NTWT
Reports are coming in, but we've been told that NTWTer Club29 has been released from NTWT due to an altercation with a fan in the crowd. Club was immediately taken away by security, and the fan was warned rather than ejected as well. Club has been problematic in the back lately since his suspension before NTWM and his loss after NTWM. He's garnered heat for refusing to do an angle with newcomers bkmac and casekicks. He's also been very vocal to officials and bookers about his standings in the roster, placement on the card, and a possible championship reign. His release is no surprise to anyone but fellow NTWTer GHIMS.

And what does he do when he returns? He takes over as NTDown's captain.
That speaks volumes about NTDown's roster. No. Balls.

Deek, you might have a new gimmick. But when you post I still only see this...

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I really hope you and TennHouse pull your heads out of your @#$$@. Remember, you guys never showed up for your tag-team title shot. You've been given the most opportunity to get over in the NTWE by far and you still haven't reached you're full potential. Quit blaming creative for your issues and stop acting like the little deek you continue to be. I hope you get it together, for NTRaw's sake. Tenn, cut out the 4loko abuse. You're slippin'. Be the greatness you once were.
See lobo thats where your wrong we were never givin a title match it was ghims that didnt show up when he was my partner against the , then me and deek banded together but they split us after we started dominating and teamed me wih toine before we got a title shot...........but its ok the fans know whats up, were the future of the NTWE and its scaring you deep down inside......and thats the truth!
No one's complaining....I don't mind someone WORTH something being placed on this team.

But when you put a self-absorbed, pig-headed, worthless coward who can't even hit a DDT correctly as a captain, It makes NTDown look bad.

I got an idea: Put him in the match that he THINKS he wants: JRA vs. Club. No holds barred, falls count anywhere for the title of captain of the NTDown team.

And Peep is gone for a while. He'll be back sooner than later.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by KingJay718

WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Von Erich took to twitter following the Hell In A
Cell pay-view-view and expressed his discontent for the use of the Cell;
“The WWE supercard last night was bad. The cage used to be for the blow off to a
big feud. Now they use it to set up the next TV taping.Sad"

He went on to blast current World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry and former
WWE Superstar Chris Jericho:

"Texas has produced some great talent…………….. Mark Henry is not one of
them. Damn he is boring. Texas produced great talent like @ShawnMichaels_ .
Although he was a real jerk as a human being. Undertaker is a true

@WadeBarrett is a guy who would have fit in great in the old
territory days.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by KingJay718

von erich is spot on although i think mark henry is working well with what gimmick he has been given. 

everything he said was 100% true, bravo for speaking out

Even the Jericho part? I see why some people dont like him.

But Jericho was great in the ring and on the mic.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- While it may appear to some that WWE has halted CM Punk’s push or put him on the backburner, sources say that is not the case. WWE officials were very surprised at new merchandise numbers for Punk. Punk is now one of the company’s top sellers and is neck-and-neck with John Cena. In one demographic, likely males, Punk is on pace to pass Cena in sales.

Because of Punk’s success coming out of the summer storylines, WWE officials are now actively looking for ways to monetize him. WWE Studios are looking for projects that Punk could star in and there is talk of doing a CM Punk book, in part because the company hasn’t had many books lined up as of late. There are also plans to release more Punk merchandise soon. Punk is also planned to be a bigger part of WWE programming and pay-per-views going into 2012. Word is that the company will be going “full blown
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

so otunga's finisher is a standard neckbreaker?

he should call it the "maximum sentence"

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   oh and in a controversial first pick, Veintisiete goes with veteran free agent Yard Father.


It's about time I get some respect around here.

7 years, I've been on this board, 7 DAMN YEARS.

You see, I do not need a gimmick, because as they say, the walk is louder than the talk.

And GotHoles better hope he's not selected to the Raw team.

Because the walking, will most definitely be louder than the talking.

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The OG Henry mark is finally getting a chance.
I need to go real OG and bring back some of the boys from the lean years, momoney, grizz, etc.

GHIMS and Hombrelobo pulled me aside backstage and told me in order to be a star, I'll have to start taking opportunities that this company has to offer. Great opportunities that will push me to the moon because apparently, simple things like these always lead to something much bigger. These guys seem to know what they are talking about and they told me that this promo will give me a sure shot at being on team RAW. I took their request and now I have been sent out here to say hello to someone in this audience. And that someone is Chino from Subway


Chino Chino Chino, the man with the most infamous dropkick in our industry. You've let yourself go. But you know what Chino? I am not a fan of yours. Why? Because I believe I would be a better spokesperson for Subway than you ever were. I'm already a better NTWE superstar than you ever were, and now, you're nothing. Nowhere to be found. Subway doesn't need a retired piece of monkey crap like you speaking for them. They want the most must see Superstar in all of the NTWE to represent them. Watch and learn.


Ladies and Gentlemen of the NTWE, I want you to get the new Oven Crisp Chicken Sandwich. All the deep flavor without the deep fryer. Merely 7 grams of fat! Tasty, Crisp, Chicken, that's baked, never fried!

And to all the Subway execs out there, the only reason Oven Crisp Chicken Sandwich is trending right now, is because of me. Because let's face it, I am the star of this thread, and only I am capable of selling anything other than a gimmick codpiece.


I'll be awaiting the Co-Captain request from you 4wrestling.
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

No one's complaining....I don't mind someone WORTH something being placed on this team.

But when you put a self-absorbed, pig-headed, worthless coward who can't even hit a DDT correctly as a captain, It makes NTDown look bad.

I got an idea: Put him in the match that he THINKS he wants: JRA vs. Club. No holds barred, falls count anywhere for the title of captain of the NTDown team.

And Peep is gone for a while. He'll be back sooner than later.

that match took place earlier this evening.Spoiler alert: you lost.the only way you can draw heat is with a crayon
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Don't be like this guy who couldn't turn himself around.
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 Says the guy that looks like a variant ADR on crystal meth....

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Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Don't be like this guy who couldn't turn himself around.
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 Says the guy that looks like a variant ADR on crystal meth....

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Excuse my burst blood vessel. Unlike most peasants I enjoy putting up my worst photos and not my best.

I'm a great looking man. With ADR qualities as well. But you already know that..

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As for how ElCubano looks..

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Couldn't post the pic. His fat %*@ couldn't fit on an upload. "File too big".[/spolier]

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

No one's complaining....I don't mind someone WORTH something being placed on this team.

But when you put a self-absorbed, pig-headed, worthless coward who can't even hit a DDT correctly as a captain, It makes NTDown look bad.

I got an idea: Put him in the match that he THINKS he wants: JRA vs. Club. No holds barred, falls count anywhere for the title of captain of the NTDown team.

And Peep is gone for a while. He'll be back sooner than later.

that match took place earlier this evening.Spoiler alert: you lost.the only way you can draw heat is with a crayon

Try again old timer. 
CM Punk tweeted the following regarding Monday night's angle on WWE RAW:

"Ithink a lot of people are missing the point. Fans and coworkers alike.Walking out is a p***y move. There's a huge difference in what I did. Iwant change, and I can't change s*** from my couch. I'm in the foxhole. I'm getting it done. I stayed to fight and I'm fighting forchange. You can protest, violently or peacefully without actuallyshowing up. Walking out isn't a solution at least not one that I'veever seen work. Hold 'em up. Make them change. Don't just walk out, orlay down. Fight. This goes for fans as well. Bored? Don't like@johncena? Want more @ZackRyder? Show up and be heard. Don't be a p***yand just tweet about it. Actions speaks louder than words. Except mine.My words are pretty awesome. No think about all that, and hopefullyyou'll get it. Too many tweets from me. Misspellings abound. You CAN'Tprotest without showing up. I am not Gandhi. I will kick your face.Don't like HHH as COO? Punch him in the face. I did. It's wrestling,not the NBA. Next high kick to Johnny "Funkhauser" Ace won't be anaccident."
Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Don't be like this guy who couldn't turn himself around.
Spoiler [+]
 Says the guy that looks like a variant ADR on crystal meth....

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Lobo makes fun of his character, so son just decides to go for the jugular and post his picture
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