Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

The shows have been so bad recently. I can't help but fast forward thru most of it. These NXT guys though look very entertaining.
This was on GameFAQs, it's not a complete list, but it's a start:

Koji Clutch - CM Punk, Christopher Daniels
Soda Plunge - CM Punk
Black Widow - AJ
Leaping Tombstone Piledriver w/Pin Combo - Kane
Inverted DDT - Sting, Scott Steiner
Elbow/Back Stabber Combo - Alberto Del Rio
Double Jump Body Splash - Tons of Funk
Lil’ Jimmy - R-Truth
Shoulder Switch Powerslam - Ryback
Zack Ryder Comeback - Zack Ryder
Alpamare Waterslide - Antonio Cesaro
Rope Hung Kick to Mid-Section - Cody Rhodes, Hardcore Holly
Package Piledriver - Kevin Steen
Burning Hammer - Kenta Kobashi
Butterfly Suplex Armbar - Daniel Bryan
Wrist Lock Lariat - Kazuchika Okada
Corkscrew Shooting Star Press - Adrian Neville
Standing Shooting Star Press - Adrian Neville
Standing Corkscrew Moonsault - Adrian Neville
Springboard 450 Splash - AJ Styles
Psycho Driver - Super Dragon
Moonstomp - Sonjay Dutt
Billy Goat’s Curse - Colt Cabana
Pumphandle Neckbreaker - Kevin Steen
Suplex Backbreaker - Roderick Strong
KO - Chris Hero
Hangman’s Facebuster - Curtis Axel
Cradle DDT - Curtis Axel, Teddy Hart
Powerbomb Lungblower - Teddy Hart
We don't want meth hardy!!

I only want Jeff back if Punk turns heel to feud with him again.

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Backstage News:

Right now when it comes to power and making decisions within WWE, there are a lot of people involved in the process but the only real key decision makers are Vince McMahon and Triple H.

Regarding everything changing on Mondays, RAW is WWE’s big priority and as of late, they don’t even start talking about what they are going to do on SmackDown until Monday afternoon. Then around 6pm, Vince will want the writing team to give him a SmackDown main event so it can be promoted on RAW, and then the writers start scrambling for a match. This is why SmackDown and Main Event matches on RAW frequently change.

The reason this week’s CM Punk vs. a member of The Shield match was promoted is because as of around 10pm on Monday night, Vince still hadn’t made up his mind on which of the three Shield members would best fit as Punk’s opponent.

Regarding Daniel Bryan’s recent push, it’s not that creative didn’t want him to get revenge, a WWE Title win or even some kind of symbolic win, it’s that nobody else really has the kind of influence except Vince and Triple H.
Seriously I'm sick of these lame excuses for not putting out a quality product or not pushing the right guys.

It's seriously so dumb...why can't they get their priorities straight and put together a few good shows a month...it's really not hard...pathetic on so many levels.

RAW has been unwatchable for months aside from 1-2 episodes tops
I have honestly 0 interest in the current product right now. I would much rather watch old YouTube videos and discuss it with you guys
Seriously I'm sick of these lame excuses for not putting out a quality product or not pushing the right guys.

It's seriously so dumb...why can't they get their priorities straight and put together a few good shows a month...it's really not hard...pathetic on so many levels.

RAW has been unwatchable for months aside from 1-2 episodes tops


I get the "Superstar A" has more pull than "Superstar B" so he goes over, or "Superstar A" pushes merchandise sales so "Superstar B" doesn't get a push. I understand that, I really do and part of me actually sympathizes with that (I mean WWE is a BUSINESS, a publicly traded one at that). So those excuses, (although they have been used to death) are to a certain degree legit IMO. But it seems that within the past 6 months or so, there has generally been a lack of care on from top to bottom within the company.

The story that really got my attention, was how Miz's heel turn had to do a 180 within literally ONE WEEK because, simply, the writers FORGOT he was in a Christmas movie. Yeah, it is The Miz and he has lost all credibility he once had, but to me this is just plain inexcusable. Now, it seems there is just snowball effect of piecing together random fueds. Hoping people would "forget" the Triple H and Big Show feud? Seriously? That is just insulting to us the viewer, and finally this latest one with Vince not knowing which member of The Shield Punk would face this Friday is ridiculous, just pick one, ANY one. I haven't read the SmackDown! spoilers but I'll guess the match ended in a DQ with a run-in.

I usually don't like to be one of those online complainers, and I understand it is tough to write a new show every week with no breaks; but much like other TV shows (which is what you are WWE because you love to remind us you're "episodic"), why should I bother to watch if they will not bother to produce "decent" quality?

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Guys, let's use our brains.

Impact UK tour is coming up. Jeff can't isn't permitted to perform in the UK due to his past drug convictions. Clearly, it's a work.. brothers.

I really hope no one truly thought that Jeff Hardy was coming back to the WWE.
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