Wrestling Thread Nov 18-30 | 11/25 Raw - Cena v Orton at TLC? Happy Thanksgiving

So far this is a pretty weak go home Raw.

-Divas segment was awful. Absolutely awful. 

-Miz teasing a heel turn seems long overdue, way better as a cocky heel in my opinio.

-Big E winning the IC is definitely a welcome change. Glad to see it happened. 

-Ziggler smacked the hell out of Sandow with that violin

-Randy's hoodie is cool (info?)

But if any of you NTWT bruhs got ps4 add me on psn - FUNCRUSHER22

Would love to play with y'all :pimp:
Ordering my elf's stuff right now. Having it sent to my house first, then I'll send it from here. Though the survey was reasonably detailed, I'm semi going left-field with the gifts just cause whatever wrestlers you're a fan of, you probably already own a bunch of their stuff (unless you've been in and out of wrestling over the years). Pretty cool going through all these choices though
miz looking for a reaction from the fans like "Look, I turned heel!" and no one gives a damn about him 
Xavier Woods gets the LEAST hyped intro in a while LOL

Fandango, Big E, Wyatts, and EVEN THE MATADORS had hyped intros. Woods comes in as r-truths side kick LOL
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