Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

Besides the Bryan match, Wyatt's matches have just been overbooked to hell. If They just chill with that and let him do his thing...i think he would look a lot more impressive.

Reigns has been sucking it up lately to me as a tweener and now a face. His tag work with Rollins last year was great, but now all he does is the same hot tag segment over and over again. It was cool when he first did it at Elimination Chamber but that was 3 months ago son...show me something else. How long will it be till people start complaining about how contrived it is that dudes are conveniently hanging on the ropes for Reigns to do his outside dropkick like the 619? :lol:

Also, he really needs to chill with them exaggerated mannerisms
1, Look at his NXT work man. They let that man go. Kinda explosive for his size. I just think he is overdone as a character now. TOo many promos man. Talks too much. But that is everyone if you ask me.

2. I have already complained about the frequency of the Reign's "dropkick." It is no longer a dropkick since the 2nd time he did it. He only uses 1 foot now. But it is starting to become 619-ish.

3. Where is Rey? Someone post some news because Court/Konnan said we would find something about him within the next 2 days. And that was Sunday.

4. Speaking of Hot Tags, remember when we all would go crazy of D. Bryan's hot tags. That was used to be on fire. I miss those days. Again I ask, has ANYTHING been said about Kane/Bryan being former tag partners?
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So what's their plan with Rusev?

Dude beating up on these non stars is old.
I'm becoming a broken record, but I can easily see him feuding with Cena by Summer Fest and losing to an AA. They'll bill this whole Cena is American shtick and maybe even have Hogan in his corner.

Calling it now so I look like some kind of prophet.
I think WWE learned their lesson with Kozlov.  I don't see Rusev sniffing a main event program.
Besides the Bryan match, Wyatt's matches have just been overbooked to hell. If They just chill with that and let him do his thing...i think he would look a lot more impressive.

Reigns has been sucking it up lately to me as a tweener and now a face. His tag work with Rollins last year was great, but now all he does is the same hot tag segment over and over again. It was cool when he first did it at Elimination Chamber but that was 3 months ago son...show me something else. How long will it be till people start complaining about how contrived it is that dudes are conveniently hanging on the ropes for Reigns to do his outside dropkick like the 619?

Also, he really needs to chill with them exaggerated mannerisms
1, Look at his NXT work man. They let that man go. Kinda explosive for his size. I just think he is overdone as a character now. TOo many promos man. Talks too much. But that is everyone if you ask me.

2. I have already complained about the frequency of the Reign's "dropkick." It is no longer a dropkick since the 2nd time he did it. He only uses 1 foot now. But it is starting to become 619-ish.

3. Where is Rey? Someone post some news because Court/Konnan said we would find something about him within the next 2 days. And that was Sunday.

4. Speaking of Hot Tags, remember when we all would go crazy of D. Bryan's hot tags. That was used to be on fire. I miss those days. Again I ask, has ANYTHING been said about Kane/Bryan being former tag partners?
Why are you so fixated on if he kicks with 1 or 2 feet?  Every single damn time you bring it up.

And hopefully Rey never sees WWE TV again.
More Mick Foley ranting

"Whether Daniel Bryan – WWE Universe knows it or not, NOW is the time that the fiercest fighting takes place for a WWE champion – and it has nothing to do with the action in the ring. Now is the time to step up and shoot down horrible ideas that can derail even the most promising of ideas. I used to joke that Daniel was the exception to the rule that every top guy in WWE has been perceived at one time or another as a pain in the neck – largely for their willingness to step up and call the creative team out on bad ideas when they see them. That thing I saw tonight – that thing with Daniel and Brie Bella – WWE Universe and the car? That was a bad idea – one that never should have seen the light of day."

"I have said on several occasions that I used up my ammo when it came to complaining about WWE storylines when I went to bat for the #YesMovement in the aftermath of the Royal Rumble. I'm going to do my very best to do just that. But I'll first ask everyone involved – Daniel, Brie, Hunter, Steph, Vince, etc., to take a good look at the nearly identical storyline that ran Zack Ryder's promising career off the rails…and do everything they can to avoid that same horrible stretch of track."

View media item 956962

There isn't a single credible heel main eventer available to feed to the American Dragon thus us being stuck with Lace Front Kane. They need to just turn the Show Off heel already. I'd pay to watch Ziggler vs. Bryan. #HEEL
I don't even blame Brie for her horrible acting/screaming last night.  You try fake screaming in terror for 10 straight minutes and see what you sound like.
There isn't a single credible heel main eventer available to feed to the American Dragon thus us being stuck with Lace Front Kane. They need to just turn the Show Off heel already. I'd pay to watch Ziggler vs. Bryan. #HEEL
He got eliminated by Santino last night, man.  Just give up hope and move on with it already.
I'm sure Bo Dallas will be called up just in time to feud with D.Bry, he's the only logical choice.
I'm gonna catch hell for this, but...

I wish the world titles were re-separated and the brand split was back.
After Brodus got washed by Neville on NXT, I don't think he'll be even sniffing the RAW Pre-Show. :lol:
damn first dude's dog dies in the other thread and now i just watched this video. WHAT ARE YALL DOING TO ME.
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