Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

I'm super late to posting cause I went up north to see my lil sis graduate from Chico State...NXT was cool. Mojo Rawley really does suck and his finisher is terrible. Ascension is nothing too special. Charlotte should be beating on tinker bells like Bliss. She's too tiny. And I wasn't too keen on Tyson Kidd winning. I would have preferred Sami or Tyler to get the W personally.
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I think Ariane has leapfrogged Cena as the corniest person on the roster. 1) Ariane 2) Cena 3) Eva Marie
Just saw the total divas where she went looking for paparazzi. Ariane with that ultimate thirst right there. I wish she had that much desire to improve in the ring. And as a person. She sucks at both currently. And her song is terrible too.
Just saw the total divas where she went looking for paparazzi. Ariane with that ultimate thirst right there. I wish she had that much desire to improve in the ring. And as a person. She sucks at both currently. And her song is terrible too.
Don't forget that this is a television show man.
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