Wrestling Thread May 5-18 | 5/16 Black Friday for WWE - Stock Price Crashes

The IC and US Titles mean nothing, and you want to introduce an even lower level title?

Yes I want them to bring it back..But I don't want the US title around because it's "supposed" to be viewed as equal to the IC belt..Obviously any title isn't worth a crap if the booking is gawd awful..I want the belts mean something..Sorry if that chaps you ***..

You know how long everyone has been saying, "OMG so and so is the new IC/US Champion. Now the belt means something!"  Those belts are complete albatrosses.

I understand you guys want to have hope and optimism a lot of times, but you need to deal with reality.  The IC and US Titles haven't meant anything in over 10 years.

Bro, I appreciate all you do for this thread and your contributions are second to none, but I seriously think you flat out hate wrestling..Can you even tell me why you still watch?

For those of you that like belts and wrestling history..

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I think that we should all put money together and bring back the WWF ice cream bars.
You are probably joking but why not? They "minus whale" bring them back.

If Cena would've lost to the claw :lol:
I actually thought the Cena/Rowan match was decent.

i just went to make some fajitas...and Sandow was squashed by Santino???? :rofl: :rofl: :x
Random funny to me.

Slater lost to Torito. Well damn
That is a got damn shame.

Watched Hardcore Heaven 2000 last night because of this weeks Review-A-Wai. They weren't lying when they said Corino was a good bleeder. :x
Yea that is when Tajiri beat the hell out of him right? Blood and brains everywhere.

Bro, I appreciate all you do for this thread and your contributions are second to none, but I seriously think you flat out hate wrestling..Can you even tell me why you still watch?
with this potential change of board members, maybe punk will get the last laugh.

at the least, he got out at the right time. doubt changes will be made, but I hope only for the better and not for some Time Warner kind of deal.

probably should wait for more details until I comment, but ehh
So with Bryan out for 6 to 8 weeks, and the fact they never unveiled an undisputed title, does anyone else think they would strip him of one title but leave the other on him and have another unification match when he returns?
The IC and US Titles mean nothing, and you want to introduce an even lower level title?
Yes I want them to bring it back..But I don't want the US title around because it's "supposed" to be viewed as equal to the IC belt..Obviously any title isn't worth a crap if the booking is gawd awful..I want the belts mean something..Sorry if that chaps you ***..
You know how long everyone has been saying, "OMG so and so is the new IC/US Champion. Now the belt means something!"  Those belts are complete albatrosses.

I understand you guys want to have hope and optimism a lot of times, but you need to deal with reality.  The IC and US Titles haven't meant anything in over 10 years.
Bro, I appreciate all you do for this thread and your contributions are second to none, but I seriously think you flat out hate wrestling..Can you even tell me why you still watch?
If you can give me ONE good reason why I should care about the IC and/or US Titles in 2014, I will publicly concede to you that you are correct.  Don't tell me about their history. I want to know why I should care TODAY.
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Put it this way, WWE isn't the only stock taking a huge haircut. Lots of tickers are down over 30% in the past few weeks. I'd only be worried if a proxy war or something came about.
Yeah but other stocks are down for other reasons.  And WWE is down 67% in less than 3 months.  WWE is down because they blatantly lied to Wall St about the deals they would have with the Network and TV deals.  That can lead to FTC issues.
Investment Firm Buys Stake In WWE, Calls For Board To Replace Executive Management Team
Dumb question but is this something we should be concerned about, any chance this could lead to the end of WWE, man losing 300 mill is just crazy
No, WWE is still a profitable company.  They aren't going anywhere.  But we may see CIO, CFO, etc changes.  Vince and Paul and Stephanie almost certainly are not going anywhere.
Agreed 4w, more of a transparency issue than something devastating to the day-to-day product. Just goes to show how you have to be smart and always manage your risk when trading stocks. Wall Street only cares about making money and the pro's do it both ways.

Rick Rude, Kevin Nash, ???, ???, Harley Race, Barry Windham, ???, Paul Orndorf

Maxx Payne, Scotty Flamingo/Raven, and Gary Michael Capetta. The dude with Rude's hand around his neck was just some random promoter.

The NTWT's version of CM Punk, aka Club, asked me to post these up..Says he's coming back soon..

View media item 976121
View media item 976122

I hope Club is alright after that Headbangers Stage Dive :lol: :x Looks brutal. Club with the picture-perfect Belly-to-Bayley suplex though :pimp: :pimp:
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