Wrestling Thread May 4-10 | 5/5 NXT E:60 8pm et Tonight on ESPN; Sami Zayn Having MRI

- WWE Superstar Roman Reigns was part of a Wizard World Comic Con event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 7. Reigns took questions from fans in attendance for about twenty minutes on that date. One of the attendees brought up former WWE star ** ****, who claimed on his controversial Art of Wrestling podcast that he orchestrated The Shield.

Reigns refuted the claims, stating:

Theres a lot of things. You'll hear all kinds of stuff, ** **** made The Shield. Yeah okay. [laughter] The only thing he made was that Pepsi tattoo on his shoulder. I think a lot of people had their hands in on The Shield. We have a huge creative team that's part of the process, but ultimately, myself, Dean, and Seth made The Shield.

You can put anybody together, but to come together the way we did, to bond the way we did, to make the decisions, and stick together like we did. There's a lot of things that we had to do to make it ours, and we did that without any fear, without any consequence. We were gonna just do it, and ask for forgiveness later. I would say it was three guys, three hungry guys, who wanted to be the best, and our still striving for that [who] made The Shield.
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- Former WWE Superstar JTG recently spoke with Greg Beckno of WrestlingNews.co. The following highlights were sent in:

Having heat in WWE:

"We had heat from the day we stepped foot into the WWE doors." I asked if the heat was more on Shad's end. "Man, there's no such thing as Shad. That's how it is in the wrestling business when you're in a tag team. Even if you look up stories about The Rockers. Sometimes Marty Jannetty would get into trouble but The Rockers felt the brunt of it and it was the same thing with Shad. When Shad did something then Cryme Time felt it and vice versa. If I did something then Cryme Tyme felt it."

Did you have to deal with racism in WWE or is that something that doesn't exist backstage anymore?

"I'm not gonna say it doesn't exist anymore. I don't believe WWE is racist. Right now they have the tag team champions Kofi Kingston and Big E and Xavier Woods. I wouldn't say that they're [WWE] racist but there's definitely a system in place, that I believe...this is my opinion, that African American, black Superstars, can go so far. That's from what I've see and that's my perception because as of right now to this day I've never seen a black WWE Champion. Not the title from WCW, I'm talking about the WWE Championship. I haven't seen a black face of the company."

His thoughts on Triple H and whether he would be a good fit to take over the company:

"In my opinion, if Triple H could put aside his ego and his dislike for a person and focus on business then I think it could probably be a lot better. For example, I don't think he was a big fan of Zack Ryder. Zack Ryder did everything he could to get over and he got over and when he was in MSG [at Survivor Series 2011] and The Rock was there and they were chanting Zack Ryder's name. I wasn't in New York [at the time] but my buddy told me that he went to Survivor Series and he was on the train and they were chanting for Zack Ryder. That was the perfect time to take advantage and make some money off of Zack Ryder. That was the perfect underdog story and it was all thrown to the side because he wasn't favored by Hunter."

"When you see someone try so hard to get noticed..you know Zack Ryder busted his *** and he got a lot of respect backstage and from the boys in the locker room. He got so much respect for getting over on his own and not needing the machine to push him. He got a little push but they buried him. That put a black eye on the morale in the locker room. It was like damn, if he did all that it kind of make everybody not even wanna try."

Interesting stuff from JTG...
A lot of what JTG said is pretty common knowledge, but having multiple people continuing to express all those same sentiments is very telling. Its a shame the company is run like that, in relation to both race and getting yourself over.

Can't say for sure... Only been hired on to those that parties as entertainment... So I can't vouch for the crowds entertainment...

How bout the Pop? Were you getting heat from the crowd?

:rofl: :rofl:
And Naomi over her gimmick.
Still messed up that they gave Sasha's gimmick to Naomi
this So Delicious chocolate ice cream made with coconut milk is amazing.
I'll have to grab some next time I go grocery shopping.  My brother keeps telling me to get some Talenti Gelato, anyone try it?
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