Wrestling Thread May 4-10 | 5/5 NXT E:60 8pm et Tonight on ESPN; Sami Zayn Having MRI

You just said it...
Rebel & Brooke :smokin

"Look at the size of his nose, he can go bowling with his boogers" - I need King out of the announcers booth

"Anyone heard of the new broom? I heard he's sweeping the nation "

My personal favorite:
"I got a sweater for Christmas but I really wanted a Moaner or a Screamer!" :lol:

@Peep Game
  : Layla

 : Sting

@green rhino123
 : El Pantera

  : Miz

@af1 1982
 : Dolph

Who has the greatest love of all?

*AHEM!!! :stoneface:
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Ouch. Anyone consistently watch TNA in here? Has it improved since signing with destination America? Or the same bullcrap? I haven't watched it at all nor have I caught any of it previously.
TNA sadly won't last 2 years. especially wit Jarrett opening his new promotion. once that gets off the ground and the bigger name tna guys have somewhere to go(supposedly wwe wants none of them..SUPPOSEDLY) they will all leave and go elsewhere. especially with the morale being as low as it is said to be. it's ashame. we all say it. every wrestling fan says it. hell, every business will say it. competition is the healthiest thing.

WEF/E would of prob never evolved from 1994 wwf to 1997/8 wwf without wcw putting them against the ropes. the story goes Vince was about to go bankrupt. and look what happened. so god only knows what could happen if someone threatened Vince's seat on top of the mountain. I don't think anyone will come close wwe is an almost billion dollar empire.
just got done recording episode 2 of my podcast. incredibly satisfied with the content me and my friends put together. sound quality needs serious work though, gotta work on that. tweaking some stuff right now but will have it uploaded within the hour.
Miss the OG smackdown sets with the oval rings and the one with the fist through the glass.

Watching No Mercy 01

Heel paranoid Austin>>>>
Bionic Redneck :smokin
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