Wrestling Thread May 20-26 | 5/23 Owen Hart Fell to His Death 14 Years Ago Today

Just caught the Main Event, only Raw I saw tonight. Good sell-job by HHH I suppose, why did he though? What went down at the PPV last night? Someone fill me in :nerd:

And who is this Axel guy?
Just caught the Main Event, only Raw I saw tonight. Good sell-job by HHH I suppose, why did he though? What went down at the PPV last night? Someone fill me in :nerd:

And who is this Axel guy?


Even Club has better tights than this guy.

He actually asked me to try to throw something together before he was banned. He was just wanting some ideas for his logo or whatever. I was actually looking forward to doing it due to the artistic liberties the even number of letters in "Jobber" would give me.
What the hell?  So this is WWE's way to writing Triple H off the air for a while  by saying he's suffering from a concussion from the Sledge hammer shot he took at Extreme Rules.    I know it's part of the story lines because earlier  they reported he wasn't cleared to wrestle tonight and no way would WWE let a guy wrestle who's not cleared from a head injury.
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Swagger looks like a geek.  He had the damn ankle lock for over 60 seconds and couldn't get a win.

They may be building up Orton for a match with Lesnar at Summerfest.
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