Wrestling Thread May 16-23/ Extreme Rules this Sunday/ Dee Guy Vs AJ Styles for the WWE Championship

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Pretty much..Counting you 5 is enough to keep WCW/NWA's memory alive on NTWT..These youngins have no idea about the elite level of wrestling that was taking place in the mid-80's-mid 90's NWA/WCW..Best era of wrestling ever..

They cant appreciate the classics. They want chair shots and 3 minute matches.


Post more old stuff

22stylez 22stylez
Meangene45 Meangene45

even if the 3rd may be sarcastic

if not, D Fly D Fly , i apologize &...

View media item 1713214

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-There is already backstage criticism over how WWE officials have been booking Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows.

There’s a feeling among more than a few that the creative for Gallows and Anderson has been some of the worst WWE has put out in several years, and that the two should have been booked a lot stronger. One source noted that WWE hasn’t treated their arrival like a big angle since the moment it started on RAW, saying it was doomed from the start. The same source vented that the even-steven booking is killing the company.

There’s still hope that the angle with Gallows and Anderson, and especially AJ Styles, won’t end up being a big failure but there’s a feeling that with WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns and The Usos on the other side, many fans may be upset with the outcome of this feud.

There’s a rumor that a top WWE talent and longtime producer were going to voice concerns over Gallows and Anderson to top WWE officials as they believe the duo has a lot to offer if used correctly.
-This probably won’t come as a surprise to most but Vince McMahon is said to be very high up on Big Cass right now.

It’s been noted in the past that Vince liked Cass but it’s been discussed among employees a lot more lately. One source commented that he hoped Cass being booked strong on his own and impressing officials didn’t lead to bad things for Enzo Amore, who is currently sidelined with a concussion. We’ve also noted how Vince and other officials were very high up on Enzo.

Regarding the ring name for Cass, there’s a rumor that he could end up with the name Colin Cass. Vince has been going back and forth on using Big Cass or Colin Cassady as they have issues with using a name that close to Big E.
-After getting lots of heat over her shoplifting incident at Walmart a few years back, Emma has bounced back in a big way.

WWE officials are said to be very happy with her right now and proud of how she’s put a lot of effort, on her own, into revamping her character.

Some in the company have pushed for Emma to have a title run for some time but we’ve heard nothing like that planned, despite the praise she’s been receiving as of late. A source added that anything is possible, especially considering how she’s impressed people as of late.
-Demon Kane & The Big Show are secretly lobbying for the successful singles push of Big Cass for unknown reasons.

-Vince agrees that Maryse is hot.
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You can create a new NWO type buzz with Gallows and Anderson and the BC but nope we got this jobber faction underway.
My member is a respectable length and girth thank you very much

If you keep this up I will be filing sexual harassment charges and you will be the next star on TMZ crying with Adam Rose
You win man I got too many projects coming out for any bad press. Wesley Snips told me to lay low for awhile since i signed on with him.
vince may think they (gallons/anderson) suck & intended to bury them from the start
and he may be right
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So the fans can't tell the difference between Big E and Big Cass, just like they supposedly couldn't tell the difference between Shane McMahon and Shane Helms huh :lol: ? Just leave the damn names how they are

Ditto the Gallows/Anderson. All the finishers they've eaten has them looking like the Basham Brothers
the worst pr they could get is if they severed ties with rose then something bad happened to him afterward

i hope the best for him
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ESPN developing a 30 For 30 documentary on the XFL

It’s been 15 years since Vince McMahon and the WWE decided to start up their own professional football league. The XFL only lasted one season, but the memories of that failed experiment live on. Apparently, ESPN is developing a 30 For 30 documentary about the league.

ESPN’s Jonathan Coachman appeared on the latest episode of Jim Ross’ podcast, The Ross Report, and revealed the news. You can hear Coachman tell Ross about it at the 34:45 mark of the show.

“They’re going to be doing a 30 For 30 on the XFL,” Coachman said. “I recently sat down for an in-depth interview for this 30 For 30 at ESPN and got to relive some of those moments, some of those nights that we had.” Ross was also a broadcaster on the XFL games, which were broadcast on NBC, TNN (now Spike TV) and UPN (now The CW).

“The XFL was something that we will always have,” Coachman continued, “and nobody will understand what that experience was like in our foray into football on the weekends, and still doing Raw and Smackdown on Mondays and Tuesdays.”

The league debuted on Feb. 3, 2001, a week after the Super Bowl. Vince McMahon stood at midfield and introduced the inaugural game between the New York/New Jersey Hitmen and the Las Vegas Outlaws, which began not with a coin toss and kickoff, but two players racing for the ball at the 50-yard line. Whoever came up with the ball gained the first possession for his team.

Another feature of the XFL was players being allowed to customize the nameplates on the backs of their jerseys, which led to probably the most prevailing memory from the league: Rod Smart’s jersey saying “He Hate Me” on the back.

ESPN is making a 30 for 30 featuring the XFL pic.twitter.com/kIJvWzDMJB

— Pick Six Previews (@PickSixPreviews) May 11, 2016

At our sister site, The Comeback, Sean Keeley remembered the 15-year anniversary of the XFL and highlighted several innovations that actually became a part of pro football as we know it today. For as much ridicule as the XFL endured, the league did have some good ideas.

Following Coachman’s revelation, perhaps we’ll get some more news about the documentary in the weeks to come, such as who the director will be, whether it will be a full-length doc to be shown on television or a short shown online, and perhaps how ESPN’s coverage of WWE might factor at all in the development and promotion of the film.
raines has taken a lot of bumps in a short period of time

to build his comeback, some of the matches have been brutal
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