Wrestling Thread May 13-19 | 5/19 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

kane and dbry get eliminated early, cena turns superman and eliminates all 3 shield members with less than 5 moves. calling it now
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Aye yall, PLEASE pay attention to the amount of grunting Biggie Langston does during his match. Damn funny.
As I said last week. Daniel Bryan has been GOING HARD for these last weeks. Super Aggressive man. Never seen him THIS aggressive.
DAT BOI DBRY :pimp: :pimp: over like a mug

AHHHHHHHHHHHH **** of course Cena's the last one :rofl:
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Lol, my first time using it to watch during commercial, its ok but still feels like an after thought
Yo after Bryan got the hot tag and went on his run the crowd went ******g berserk.

*in before Cena buries all 3 guys*
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