Wrestling Thread May 13-19 | 5/19 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

Percy Watson is at the Billboard Music Awards
im glad i turned on the tv to watch this during orton/bigshow match. christina augilera looking
HHH vs Lesnar closing out the show, damn I'm shocked. There goes that prediction of Cena being last.
  The Shield now has the US and Tag Titles!   I have this weird feeling that Ryback is gonna join The Shield tonight after they help him beat Cena.
I'm mad I forgot about the prediction contest. I would be doing pretty good so far
I am about to turn this mess off. Really have no urge to see either one of those matches unless someone can guarantee me that Brock is going to do a Shooting Star Press off of the top of the cage

i saw something on twitter about a new cage with platforms on the top or something it could happen
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