Wrestling Thread May 13-19 | 5/19 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

I'm happy with Shield's win, but the WWE's effort in this PPV is equivalent to tapping out to the 619
I'm not even gonna **** on this match cause Big Show has put on some good matches in the previous PPV's
I have no clue why im watching this. Miz doing preshows and now they have a post show:x :smh: what in gawds name?

I hope D Bry shaves the beard and feuds with Cesaro or Punk when he returns or Ziggler.

time to get him back into serious mode
That was an exception, not the rule.
I don't view the importance of a show based on how many worthless title changes happen. Titles don't mean much these days.

It is a SHAME that they are charing $60 for this. SAD.
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