Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

nah. just most fans watching this ppv on the network... like I repeated multiple times.

It's a product catered to the hardcore fans and the Nostalgic. The biggest wrestling message board is reddit with 80k add maybe 150 or 100 k more from around other websites so no most the people watching this aren't smarks just watching for entertainment aka casual viewers
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Ryback was really good when his flaws were covered up in threesome matches with Phil and John.

BNB deserves better than this. I only want Ryback to win because the IC holder loses every non-championship match.
Very disinterested in this match with the addition of Henry.

Anyway Is Bray going to show up tonight? Hes my mitb pick. Think it would make for a interesting angle if the strap stays between Seth and Rains.
Why couldn't they put some real talent in the ring ? And wonder why the ic title is trash.should just give it to reigns
because those two were built like punters and Neville is a tight end

He's steadily on Raw/SD, and hasn't been jobbing on Superstars or paired with a fledgling midcarder for a meaningless tag title reign. I think Neville is in good position right now. It's just a matter of how long is he gonna stay featured before Vince gets bored.
You forget the splash Gabriel made when he started out?

I remember the splash Nexus made, and him having two very good matches (losses) vs Cena and Orton. Other than that, he didn't do anything of note, and was a mainstay on Superstars and NXT
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