Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

They don't even get a million viewers b. There are way more casual fans than there are marks. You are spending way to much time on the internet if you think otherwise. Every single crowd would be hot if the only or majority fans were smarks and you know dam well there's only a dozen maybe evenness cities that are great.
BDB is right here. Most of the people who go to shows are casuals.
They don't even get a million viewers b. There are way more casual fans than there are marks. You are spending way to much time on the internet if you think otherwise. Every single crowd would be hot if the only or majority fans were smarks and you know dam well there's only a dozen maybe evenness cities that are great.
I doubt most of the smarks don't live in one giant moderate-sized city in the middle of Texas tho.

I'm not talking about THIS crowd. I'm talking about people watching the PPV from their homes.
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ok now that move was sick by Owens
 My man changed his tune quick
KO showing off the Move Thief ability.

Used all his stored finishers though.
Man when Cena flies for that leg drop off the ropes, that is such an athletic move. Always looks good on the replay
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