Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Owens has made his family a focal point of his run in NXT so far.

Don't see anything wrong with it.
Man you could be in the Bahamas as the #1 Wrestling Promoter. What would you know 
That's gotta be a great feeling for KO though. To fight a top guy in Cena at his first PPV in front of a crowd of this size.
And man, can you dudes stop crying about the crowd. Nothing has happened tonight for the crowd to be hype.

They are fine so far.
Hey, casual fans? This is a PPV.
Believe it or not, most people who tune in for these ****** PPVs watch NXT.

Man please just because we are on the net discussing wrestling does not mean everybody does so. If they did this crowd wouldn't be so silent. There are more casual fans in attendance in that arena and in any small market arena than there are smarks. Its business you cater to the casuals to draw money cause you know your loyal fa base will support no matter what.
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Man please just because we are on the net discussing wrestling does not mean everybody does so. If they did this crowd wouldn't be so silent. There are more casual fans in attendance in that arena and in any small market arena than there are smarks p. Its business you cater to the casuals to draw money cause you know your loyal fa base will support no matter what.
This crowd ain't checkin Haitch's tweets. They're in Corpus Christi Texas, it's still 1994 for all they know.

People watchin PPVs have most likely seen an NXT or two.
The people taking the pics don't understand that concept, b...You know it to be true...

They're getting paid for the pics. They don't give a flying **** so...

The people taking the pics is one thing then fans coming up to "celebs" and athletes when they just enjoying thier time off is another thing. Let them be in peace.
I just wanna give Naomi back shots bro

View media item 1559640

Would gladly take the Rear View from her.

I see all that booty meat coming towards me, I would be like

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Please get the title off of this terrible so called wrestler. She sat out half the match while Paige and Naomi did most of the work. She really thinks she's the female Cena cause she drinks his protein shakes... :smh:
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