Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

That springboard stunner is completely based on the opponent doing all the work. Owens had to run and jump to meet Cena there...
I doubt most of the smarks don't live in one giant moderate-sized city in the middle of Texas tho.
I'm not talking about THIS crowd. I'm talking about people watching the PPV from their homes.

Bro has nothing to do with Texas, look at the crowds they had in major american cities like New Orleans, Nashville, Miami hell even LA be weak some times. Again you are spending way to much time on the net discussing wrestling that your vision is blurred. Casual fans dominate attendance at any show.
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I've been away for a while... I guess you gotta cheat to beat Cena? How is he kickin out of all of this? :rofl:
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