Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

[thread="626345"]<a data-huddler-embed="href" href="https://niketalk.com/members/37733" style="display:inline-block;">@Peep Game</a>
[thread="626345"] [/thread]
[thread="626345"]How bad was the flooding down there man. You aight man?[/thread]

I'm good where I am. The power went out Tuesday at 3am and came back on sometime before I got off work. But other areas have been hit hard. There's been 4 documented deaths, and around 750 cars have been submerged.
Any of you NYC people going to either of the Evolve shows this weekend?... Lineups look really, really good..
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How does Seth's title run end?

^ Yeah, they're transitional tag team champs for now.

NXT clearly trying to build up the tag team division with Vaudevillains, Jordan/Gable, Enzo/Cass, etc.
Was drinking an iced latte from dd and got some whippedcream in my beard and alittle spilled on my wifebeater i was wearing so i turned to my girl and said look im luke harper thinking she doesn't know who he is anyway.suprisingly she did know and said she was grossed out by the image of him and she had to stop eating.she made me proud.i think she's ready for summerslam
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That fat Joe theme is theeeee worsssttt ahaha what in the **** is thaT ?sounds like the end off 3 ninjas smh
^ Yeah, they're transitional tag team champs for now.

NXT clearly trying to build up the tag team division with Vaudevillains, Jordan/Gable, Enzo/Cass, etc.

No they are not. Trips and the trainers are big fans of them and are actually building them up.

Vaudevillians are trash
No they are not. Trips and the trainers are big fans of them and are actually building them up.

Vaudevillians are trash

Yeah man Vaudevillians are just not that good..I tried to give them a chance cause a few boys on here said they were good, but I just don't see it..

And I have yet to see the team of Jordan/Gable so I can't say anything about them..

Enzo/Cass are funny, but I'm worried they'll end up like New Age Outlaws (but less talented)..They're already at that stage where only thing people get hyped for is their sing-a-long entrance..Enzo needs to step his in-ring work up big time or he's gonna get left behind once Vince realized Cass is 7 foot tall..
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