Wrestling Thread Mar 2-22 | 3/21 Perro Aguayo Jr Passes Away In Tragic In-Ring Accident (AAA)

Are you excited for WrestleMania?

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"We're going to get Reigns over by having him consistently beat Mark Henry, Kane, and Big Show! They get booed because they're monster heels, not because they're dinosaurs!"

This is probably the least invested I've been into Wrestlemania in a very long time. It makes sense as the WWE has been lackadaisical in the booking of it. Even on paper I'm nearly rolling my eyes at the card. Less than 2 weeks away, and Wrestlemania feels like they're heading into a Bragging Rights PPV. I'm very sure though that the WWE will put together some awesome video packages to make it look like 100% thought and logic went into the storylines.
Abusive relationship but you refuse to break it off........
It's crazy that for the future Rains DVD's, they're always gonna paint the picture that he was against all odds when in reality, it was handed to him on a silver platter :smh:
Although the build up isn't what I expected. My heart has been set on this WM since it was annouced to be in the Bay Area. The closer it gets, im actually getting pumped for the events. NXT, HOF, WM, Raw
Talkin about Reigns vs. Lesnar II at WM32....never have I been more out.

What catchphrase can think of next year to top "I can. I will."?
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if WM31 wasn't $9.99 I wouldn't even bother

no BBQ this year because there is no interest, last year I got some peeps back into it because of D Bry
MetsFan basically describes exactly what I want to have happen and talked about last night. Brock beats Reigns, and then holds on to the belt until WM32. I'd even like him to beat Seth when Seth tries to cash in. Make him look even stronger than he is now....If Reigns shows strong improvement over the next year, he can go over Brock at WM32. If he's not, put Daniel Bryan or Seth in there against Brock and have them go over.
MetsFan basically describes exactly what I want to have happen and talked about last night. Brock beats Reigns, and then holds on to the belt until WM32. I'd even like him to beat Seth when Seth tries to cash in. Make him look even stronger than he is now....If Reigns shows strong improvement over the next year, he can go over Brock at WM32. If he's not, put Daniel Bryan or Seth in there against Brock and have them go over.

There's just no way they can have Bryan go over on Brock.

Also... Whoever did Chavo's hair plugs did an amazing job... I need to make note in 5-10 years...
Funny this was JUST discussed on one of those dumb wrestling podcasts. I think it was MLW from Sunday.

That's actually why I was paying attention :lol:... His hair looks great... Pause...

if you are planning the WM32 main event off WM31 then you have serious problems

Umm... This is how wrestling was booked forever until VKM took over... Vince Sr knew when guys would drop titles YEARS in advance and set up things around...
That's actually why I was paying attention :lol:... His hair looks great... Pause...
Umm... This is how wrestling was booked forever until VKM took over... Vince Sr knew when guys would drop titles YEARS in advance and set up things around...

yeah well this is 2015 where the champion of the WWE is meaningless
MetsFan basically describes exactly what I want to have happen and talked about last night. Brock beats Reigns, and then holds on to the belt until WM32. I'd even like him to beat Seth when Seth tries to cash in. Make him look even stronger than he is now....If Reigns shows strong improvement over the next year, he can go over Brock at WM32. If he's not, put Daniel Bryan or Seth in there against Brock and have them go over.

There's just no way they can have Bryan go over on Brock.

Strikes and chokes... It's believable.... Either sell it as a concussion or a choke hold he just gets caught in...

It's pro wrestling... Anything is possible if your smart enough to pull it off..
Don't really agree with this...

people hate Reign's and you are gonna have a year long build up with a very part time champion

this business has passed Vince, worst thing that ever happened to the WWE was having no real competition
bryan putting brock in the cattle mutilation :pimp:

DBry my bae, but the thought of him attempting this

yeah you really can't have a guy thats a submission specialist make brock lesnar tap out.

Nah, what i mean is that you have Lesnar dominate Cena 2 times in a row, tossing him around with barely any offense from Cena, you have him break the streak, you have him tossing both Cena and Rollins. You have him do all that then let's say he runs through Reigns. You really think it would make sense for a guy who's 5'7, 150 lbs go over on Lesnar? Mind you, the original plan was for Bryan to hold the belt until summer slam where Lesnar was going to destroy him.

I understand thd D Bry love but he should not be going over Lesnar.
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