Wrestling Thread Mar 19-25 | 3/26 - New Thread Coming, Once In A Lifetime Special 8pm Tonight USA

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

WARNING: NTWT material in the spoiler. do NOT click if you're a buzzkill.

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first Mania II poster up:

i see you,lobo, and 4 on the poster but what is the last thing supposed to be
Evan Bourne ain't coming back, don't click if you're squeamish.  

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Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

WARNING: NTWT material in the spoiler. do NOT click if you're a buzzkill.

Spoiler [+]
first Mania II poster up:

i see you,lobo, and 4 on the poster but what is the last thing supposed to be
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

Evan Bourne ain't coming back, don't click if you're squeamish.  

Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]
Whatever caused this, you can bet your !*@ that he was high as +!!@ at the time. I bet he was trying to smoke his own foot.
Injured WWE Diva Returns

Injured WWE Diva Layla returned to the ring at last night's FCW event in Tampa. Layla teamed up with Audrey Marie and faced the team of Paige and Sofia Cortez.

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

WARNING: NTWT material in the spoiler. do NOT click if you're a buzzkill.

Spoiler [+]
first Mania II poster up:


What is that last thing? Is that an owl?
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

WARNING: NTWT material in the spoiler. do NOT click if you're a buzzkill.

Spoiler [+]
first Mania II poster up:


What is that last thing? Is that an owl?

It's ITO's tamagotchi war owl
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

WARNING: NTWT material in the spoiler. do NOT click if you're a buzzkill.

Spoiler [+]
first Mania II poster up:


What is that last thing? Is that an owl?

well when you put 'the deek' into google images...
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by theDEEK

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

WARNING: NTWT material in the spoiler. do NOT click if you're a buzzkill.

Spoiler [+]
first Mania II poster up:


What is that last thing? Is that an owl?

well when you put 'the deek' into google images...


Never knew that.. ++@ Deek?
Originally Posted by hellaones

Injured WWE Diva Returns

Injured WWE Diva Layla returned to the ring at last night's FCW event in Tampa. Layla teamed up with Audrey Marie and faced the team of Paige and Sofia Cortez.






In other news..

Nash speaks on his time in WWE last year.

On why his match with Punk didn't happen:

"I'll tell you what nobody knows about this entire thing. I never went into it and WWE never went into it because of the privacy issue. What happened was, because of the wellness program, because my dad died of a heart attack at 36 years old, they do beyond a thorough physical. Well, my heart and everything else was fine, but I'm on Plavix and Plavix is a blood platelet agulator; they call it a blood thinner. It's not, it stops your platelets from sticking together so you don't get cardiovascular disease and blockages in your arteries and have a heart attack. it's also for stroke. It's very common to take with a statin drug if you have anybody in your heredity who died before 50 let alone having a father who died of a massive coronary at age 36. So I was on Plavix. So this comes through. When the doctor sees I'm on Plavix, I can't wrestle. So now I'm supposed to wrestle C.M. Punk. I can't. They won't medically clear me. Triple H has to take my spot. It screws up the entire angle. That's how all that came about. WWE would never - because that's the class of the program - let that come out, but I need to make sure people realize it wasn't Creative's [fault], it was that a 52 year old guy was on Plavix and I had to go off it. I had to be off it for a certain amount of time before I could go back to work. It just so happened that I was finishing the Soderbergh film "Magic Mike" at the time, and I had to go shoot that, so it coincided with me going away for a while. I took the shot with the sledgehammer in Buffalo at Night of Champions and that got me away until I could be clear, and then I came back and we went into the match with Paul [Triple H] and I. At that point, Phil [C.M. Punk] and I sort of missed our opportunity to have that match. That's the true untold story that I give only Wade Keller (laughs)."

On the storyline being rewritten on the fly:

"When my blood work came back and threw such a wrench into everything, it was, 'Oh my God how are we going to get out of it?' We had to drag Paul and then this in it and this in it and that in it. Can he work? Can he not work? Can we still get this match out of him? So that's where the dialogue between Phil and I were getting was changing up until show time. It wasn't because creative was unprepared, it was because I kept shuffling the deck. Oh, we're playing Texas Hold 'em. No, we're playing Indian Poker. (laughs) I kept throwing these things into it and completely throwing wrenches into what they were trying to get done. It got to the point where we got that match out of me and they were just like… I wanted to be on Plavix. Do I need to not be on Plavix and take a risk of having a heart attack and stroke or do I want to work. That's where this whole situation kind of came to. That's what transpired."

On who was supposed to be the man who texted him:

"It would have been Johnny [Laurinaitis]. It would have been Johnny trying to end around and me trying to say that Paul had changed because he was a blue blood now and he wasn't Clique. He was in the McMahon threshold. We were going to get a Johnny Ace clique of guys to try to take over control of the company, that's when Vince would have gotten fired, and then we would have been after Paul and try to take control of the company. You know, good storyline."

On getting the call to appear at SummerSlam:

"I got a call and they said 'Can you be at SummerSlam and can you stick Punk and let Del Rio grab the strap?' And I went 'yes.' (laughs) I'm not that dumb. Whoa! You're talking about disappearing from the Rumble and coming back. I got that second pop when I showed up at Summersrlam and stuck him. People were, like, what the hell. I thought it was excellently booked. It was just screwed up because I was on Plavix."

Diamond Dallas Page recently spoke with SportsTownChicago.com about the idea he originally had when he went from WCW to the WWF 2001.

"I figured out how I'm gonna go show up in the WWF when I finally go there. He (Big Show) goes 'what?' I figured out how I'm gonna show up in the WWF when I finally go there. He (Big Show) goes: 'What are you talking about? You just (signed) a new contract (with WCW).' I go, 'I know but I'm gonna end up in the WWF. That's my destiny.'

They're (the WWF) gonna turn off all the lights and everybody's gonna think its gonna be (Chris) Jericho, but it's gonna go 10 seconds, 20 seconds, still no lights. JR goes, hold on we got a problem here, just hang with us. Then you hear my voice for the first time in a WWF arena, "Who's the real people's champion?' The spotlight hits me and I go, 'Your lookin' at him.'

"The place pops, yells, boos, cheers, whatever. I do the Diamond Cutter sign, boom, big explosion. I go to the ring and I start busting The Rock's chops. He can be hurt, maybe he's doing a movie or something. The Rock wasn't in a movie spot at that point, but that's where my head was going. I was literally seeing my destiny, if I would have stayed the course.

"When I got there to do the stalker thing, Vince and Shane really wanted me to do that. I didn't want to do that, but I agreed to that, but I gave them this idea that I just gave you, not as this is what I want to do because this is why I can deliver the goods, because it's gonna be awesome. If you don't want to do this, fine I'm outta here, but I didn't do that. And that was my first goal that I ever really, totally had the whole manifestation. The whole thing right there and I dropped the ball."

And as far as 4W goes... I wouldn't take him lightly, Club. I see you taking shots at him but from what I hear, he's been working out hard for NTMania2

Spoiler [+]


Oh damn.
I've never even googled my own username.

Good *$# poster though club.

4w or Hombre, how long is this activity suspension?
With there only being one week til NTMania II, how are we going to be able to properly hype it?..Will we get banned if we talk about it?..Has NTWT become the Fight Club of NT?..

Official "Please don't ban me for talking about ntwt, so here's some real life wrestling news" news..

WWE Tag Team Champion Epico turns 30 years old on Saturday while former WWE Superstar Barry Horowitz turns 52.
Originally Posted by casekicks

With there only being one week til NTMania II, how are we going to be able to properly hype it?..Will we get banned if we talk about it?..Has NTWT become the Fight Club of NT?..

Official "Please don't ban me for talking about ntwt, so here's some real life wrestling news" news..

WWE Tag Team Champion Epico turns 30 years old on Saturday while former WWE Superstar Barry Horowitz turns 52.

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

With there only being one week til NTMania II, how are we going to be able to properly hype it?..Will we get banned if we talk about it?..Has NTWT become the Fight Club of NT?..

Official "Please don't ban me for talking about ntwt, so here's some real life wrestling news" news..

WWE Tag Team Champion Epico turns 30 years old on Saturday while former WWE Superstar Barry Horowitz turns 52.


No I'm not..You are..
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