Wrestling Thread Mar 11-24 | 3/18 RAW - HHH Responds to Brock | Punk Still Has Taker's Urn

Can you imagine the gas Natalya probably had eating that food in Africa?  
And then CM Punk with the impression and dropping an "oh sh-t" on tv...

An hour in a half was worth the wait for that one.
Del Rio's new theme sounds like something i'd hear at Zona Fresca at around noon
This new upbeat jingle for Del Rio's music is asscheeks
WWE is DESPERATE to get this dude over.

One thing they do during the commercial break every show before Del Rio comes out is Ricardo comes out and tells the fans they will have a contest to have the fans say DELLLLLL RIOOOOOOOO along with him during Del Rio's entrance.  That way on TV it comes across that the crowd is into Del Rio.
@4wrestling ever had Blazin' ...? :evil:

A few of us had a f-ck it night including mushrooms where we got some Hots. That was fu-kin ******-t bro. I like hot food but I will punch a baby penguine im it's face if I have to do that again.
this has been a horrific RAW thus far. Absolutely god awful...so much for the whole "every show from here on out is going to be amazing" like Vince said a few weeks back
this has been a horrific RAW thus far. Absolutely god awful...so much for the whole "every show from here on out is going to be amazing" like Vince said a few weeks back

To be fair, I told you it was gonna suck and you were gonna watch any way... soooooo. I told you so.
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