Wrestling Thread Mar 10-23 | 3/17 RAW - Three Weeks Till WrestleMania XXX

So is everyone that was in aces and eights besides bully ray and anderson out of the company now?


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So is everyone that was in aces and eights besides bully ray and anderson out of the company now?

After looking up all the members...every one of them except for those 2 and Brooke Adams :lol: Garrett Bishoff is still on the roster, but hasn't been on TV in months. Another funny note, Garrett Bischoff debuted in 2010, and was trained by Hulk Hogan. No wonder he stinks.
Haven't seen Tessmacher and her cheeks on a while.

His dad probably forced him to train with hogan. Eric knows karate though, should've learned that style instead.
Anybody wanna recommend some good HHH matches? Aside from the obvious ones like Royal Rumble 2000 with cactus jack and his HIAC with taker at WM

HHH vs Angle Royal Rumble 2001
HHH vs Austin No Way Out 2001
HHH vs The Rock Summer Slam 1998
HHH vs The Rock Judgement Day 2000
HHH vs Michaels Summer Slam 2002
HHH vs Taker WM X7
Elimination Chamber Survivor Series 2002
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is the undertaker brock match the only taker wrestle mania match where we know the streak is gonna stay ? brock has no chance of ending the streak
Seems like people are beginning to sour on Bryan. Seems like WWE is getting what they wanted by constantly burying him. Even if he wins at WM I don't expect him to be booked as a strong champ. They really botched it at RR by having Batista win it. :smh:
I don't think people are starting to sour on him, I just think that Memphis crowd was pretty lame. Still better than that Milwaukee crowd giving WHAT chants to Undertaker, but still pretty crappy
Seems like people are beginning to sour on Bryan. Seems like WWE is getting what they wanted by constantly burying him. Even if he wins at WM I don't expect him to be booked as a strong champ. They really botched it at RR by having Batista win it.
Don't think anyone is souring on D-Bry. That Raw crowd on Monday sucked. If he did that segment last week when they were in Chicago the crowd would've ate that up.

Personally, D-Bry is my dude, but the Yes Movement is
to me.
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