Wrestling Thread June 15-21 | 6/21 TNA Slammiversary - KotM Foley/Jarrett/Joe/Style/Angle

Oct 15, 2000


First, I just wanted to offer my condolences for Misawa. Unfortunately, I know basically nothing about him other than the few things I've read in the pastfew days. However, it seems to be a general consensus that he is one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time with 24 5* matches. I will be checking outwhat I can of him on Youtube tonight during Raw. A very sad story of someone who tragically died far too young.

Last week's Raw saw the exit of one evil and the return of a much greater evil. Batista took his bi-annual four month injury leave as he tore yet anothermuscle. It's unbelievable how the WWE must think we're all idiots (and yes, they do think that) to not see the fact that Batista is obviously usingsome type of PED. People don't just rip muscles on an everyday basis. So while Batista once again left us (reports range on his return anywhere fromSummerslam to The Royal Rumble), the much worse HHH returned. I can deal with Batista because he's just a big goof who cuts laughable promos and is bad inthe ring. I don't think he really means any harm. He doesn't bury other guys. On the other hand, HHH is the epitome of everything wrong with the WWEtoday. He's lost numerous steps in the ring. He uses 'comedy' that isn't funny. He thinks he much more over with the fans than he actuallyis. He refuses to put over any young talent. And he doesn't just beat them, but he buries them with unrepairable damage. You guys may hate on Cena, butCena almost always does what is right for business, whether smarks like it or not. HHH does what is best for him, and only him. He's a cancer to theindustry. He is the only wrestler that I wish injury upon.

Besides HHH's return, there were some other major newsworthy items from last week. There was reportedly a major drug testing session that took place earlyMonday. Supposedly many majors names may be in jeapordy from these tests and may be suspended. However, it has been a week, and the only name to come out isUmaga who was released for refusing to enter the WWE's rehab program. The conspiracy theorists have linked Batista to a negative test and thus the WWEcoming up with the story of a bicep injury. However, I don't buy this because the WWE has not hid the suspensions of people like Edge and Rey Mysterio inthe past. It will be interesting however to see if any major names are missing from tonight's show.

Vickie Guerrero also made her final appearance in the WWE last week. I let my opinions be known in last week's thread about how dispicablely the WWE andVince McMahon treated her in her final few weeks. I will just re-emphasize my point that it is the crap like this that hinders the WWE from being accepted bythe general public and more importanly major advertisers. It's not the blood and women. It's the juvenile humor and humiliation.

In the WWE's continuing attempt to desperately raise ratings, the WWE is putting on a three hour special tonight titled '3 For All' where all threeheavyweight titles will be on the line tonight. Doesn't that just reinforce the point of how ridiculous it is that there are three heavyweight titleswithin one company? Should the NFL have three Superbowl Champions each season? Tommy Dreamer will defend his ECW Title against Christian. CM Punk willdefend the World Title in a three way dance against Edge and Jeff Hardy. And John Cena, HHH, The Big Show, and Randy Orton will compete in a four way matchfor the vacant WWE Title. I believe this will a first pinfall/submission wins, and not a submission match. The bigger question is why exactly do HHH and TheBig Show deserve a shot at the WWE Title? HHH has been out of action for two months. And The Big Show hasn't won a meaningful match in about six months. It's just another case of the WWE recycling the same old boring talent and matches over and over and over. For the record, I expect both Tommy Dreamer andCM Punk to retain their titles, and I expect John Cena to win the WWE Title. The WWE knows Cena is their biggest start, and typically ratings are best when heis champion. Hate it all you want, but this is what I see happening.

Last week MVP guaranteed that he would win the WWE Title, but he is absent from tonight's main event. Supposedly he was pencilled in, but HHH vetoed MVPout of the match and put himself in. Typical if true. However, I don't think it is the right time to put MVP into the main event picture. He's notover right now, and hasn't done anything to earn a shot. MVP desperately needs to turn back to a heel.

Chris Jericho (c) vs Rey Mysterio Jr for the Intercontinental Title has been added to tonight's show. There have been a lot of rumors about Mysteriopossibly being on the outs with the WWE over the past week. I don't have anything new to report on this right now, but maybe someone else can give us anupdate. After Jericho removed Mysterio's mask last week, we'll see what happens this week.

Vince McMahon will also be on tonight's show. Can't wait for that.
Seems like they're treating this as a PPV, almost.

And I'm guessing it'll be at 8PM (EST) instead of the usual 9.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena steal this and have a Cena/Show Title Match...SMH

Orton SHOULD Win...

I'd like to see Punk retain. It'll be interesting to see what storylines develop on smackdown regarding the world title.

dreamer to lose to christian. he said he needed to win or hed retire...well he won.. not let him job for another year...LOL
I really don't understand this because the gap between Extreme Rules and The Bash is the shortest gap between PPV's and this Raw seems like a PPV tome. To me it seems like they could be trying to shake things up, but I think that could be a mistake.

I think everyone retains and they put the WWE championship on either Orton or Cena
Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

I wouldn't be surprised to see Cena steal this and have a Cena/Show Title Match...SMH

Orton SHOULD Win...

I'd like to see Punk retain. It'll be interesting to see what storylines develop on smackdown regarding the world title.

dreamer to lose to christian. he said he needed to win or hed retire...well he won.. not let him job for another year...LOL
Also, an IC title match was added between Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho so it definitely seems like a PPV to me
I think Cena will win it. Which really doesnt bother me. As long as he doesn't have another match with slow at the bash.
At last night's WWE Smackdown house show event in Hershey, PA, Chris Jericho was not wearing the WWE Intercontinental Title to the ring as usual, instead he was hiding the belt. This is because he was carrying the WWE Women's Title to the ring, with some carefully placed electrical tape on he title.

Apparently, Jericho forgot the WWE Intercontinental Title at his hotel, forgetting to pack it when he left for the show. There is no heat on Jericho for the mistake, but he did take some ribbing from the guys that worked the show last night.

Well it looks like it will actually be a decent Raw, so i'll be watching. And with 3 hours to work with, I hope it's not too much to ask for somedecent wrestling matches... but who am I kidding, it's Raw
I predict the following...

Dreamer wins.

Punk wins.

HHH wins followed by 4-5 pages of hate and promises to never watch Raw again only to see the same posters here next week.
i was SHOCKED to read about mitsuharu misawa's passing. i used to be a huge fan of japanese wrestling [puroresu] and misawa was one of the first wrestlersthat i was recommended to watch.

4W, if you want to see an incredible wrestling match, one of the first that most any misawa fan would recommend is his match against toshiaki kawada back in1999:

- part 1
- part 2
- part 3 [6:11 of this video is a must-see spot]
I'm looking forward to the Jericho/Mysterio match. Their match at Extreme Rules was great. We'll see where they go with the mask angle. As most havestated, the raw title picture is extremely stale right now. As much as I hate to say it, Cena should win so that the crowds can be pumped during the titlematches.

As far as Smackdown, it really is the best wrestling show out right now. Notice how I said wrestling, not sports entertainment. You get constant 15-20 minmatches there, but unfortunately, they are on the worst possible night, so many don't watch. DVR it if you haven't been watching lately. I think fortonight, the Smackdown matches will probably get the most wrestling time.
Originally Posted by Mister916

At last night's WWE Smackdown house show event in Hershey, PA, Chris Jericho was not wearing the WWE Intercontinental Title to the ring as usual, instead he was hiding the belt. This is because he was carrying the WWE Women's Title to the ring, with some carefully placed electrical tape on he title.

Apparently, Jericho forgot the WWE Intercontinental Title at his hotel, forgetting to pack it when he left for the show. There is no heat on Jericho for the mistake, but he did take some ribbing from the guys that worked the show last night.


Let's go Trips

Vinny-Mac seems ot be pulling out all the stops with this PPV on TV
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

I predict the following...

Dreamer wins.

Punk wins.

HHH wins followed by 4-5 pages of hate and promises to never watch Raw again only to see the same posters here next week.
Originally Posted by gstbmn

Originally Posted by Mister916

At last night's WWE Smackdown house show event in Hershey, PA, Chris Jericho was not wearing the WWE Intercontinental Title to the ring as usual, instead he was hiding the belt. This is because he was carrying the WWE Women's Title to the ring, with some carefully placed electrical tape on he title.

Apparently, Jericho forgot the WWE Intercontinental Title at his hotel, forgetting to pack it when he left for the show. There is no heat on Jericho for the mistake, but he did take some ribbing from the guys that worked the show last night.



4w... you read bret's book?... I thought this was something recent (last 5 years or so) but apparently he was in on Montreal too... and even hadVince's ear long before that....
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