Wrestling Thread June 13-19/ Money In The Bank Sunday/Survey On Page 1

@JulesLives agreed. Especially if Big Gold is back :pimp:

But watch them be slick and do this:



That actually isn't bad. :lol:
Yup. Just got to pick up some meds from the dispensary.
2 belts >
2 brands. 2 sets of belts. Only logical thought process honestly...
Watch it with us big homie. :nthat:
at first I was all for 1 world title and have the champ appear on both shows but with 2 world titles, it opens up the door to have guys styles, cesaro, zayn, etc be world champs something that may not happen with only 1 world title.
Also another reason to have 2 belts. So many people will never get a shot, meaning more staleness and predictability in the main event tier of wrestlers.
But the prestige is diluted.
Prestige is gained or lost by HOW the titles are defended and WHO carries the belt. Having a champ and jr champ and tag belt with a womans champ us standard practice for an organization...IF the brands are SPLIT what is the point of tieing everything together with one belt main belt when there are 2 of every other type, especially if each show is really going to have independent storylines?
Why not 2 tag titles tho?

Heck, bring back the regional titles from the territories...The Northeast Champ, The Southern Champ, The Florida Champ, The West Coast Champ, etc...
Classic #NTExtremes. I expect better from you Rhino. :smh:
D Fly D Fly been hanging in there dude. Leaving for vacation June 20th which I'm eager to get to, but this coming Sunday and Father's Day Sunday are gonna be tough for me :frown: heading to the cemetery this weekend for the first visit.

How ya been?

:frown: Hang in there man.

And I've been good. Pretty chill day for the most part

Good to hear homie. Yeah my mom and I are hanging the best we can. I feel so weird, guilty for lack of a better word, not going to the cemetery on Father's Day and instead going this coming Sunday. But I've only heard the crowds are so large and it turns into an even more stressful day than it already is.

I'll be good tho. Pops is watching Raw with NTWT every week :nthat:
Forgot Takeover was tonight. The lack of charisma in NXT puts me to sleep during all of their episodes.

WWE is lucky the Finals have sucked so much. So I'll be switching back and forth.
Good to hear homie. Yeah my mom and I are hanging the best we can. I feel so weird, guilty for lack of a better word, not going to the cemetery on Father's Day and instead going this coming Sunday. But I've only heard the crowds are so large and it turns into an even more stressful day than it already is.

I'll be good tho. Pops is watching Raw with NTWT every week :nthat:

Good, man 8)
Saying Owen > Bret might be the internet wrestling losers favorite claim.

Dude didn't have enough time as a big dog to be put above Bret man.
Choppa, do you remember about how much we paid for CHI last time?

Owen > Bret = Len Bias > Jordan = Aliyah > Beyonce
Bret > Owen but def don't like his bitterness that he has had ever since Goldberg kicked dude in his skull
Come on man. Owen doesn't have the longevity to be above Bret.

Rey? No. Just no.

Dean Malenko? Which main cards has he headlined?
Dean Malenko was a great wrestler man way better than Bret in the ring. His size had a lot to do with him not being in the main event.

What young Rey did was way better than anything Bret did.

Just because he died young doesn't take away the fact that he was better than Bret.
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