Wrestling Thread July 15 - Aug 4 | 8/2 TNA - Where MMA Fighters Not Named Brock Go - TITO, Rampage,

:lol: :lol: this dude Riley keeps referring to his wrestling "past" as if he's a 10 year vet and retired. "Back when I was coming up we were trying to be Randy Orton and John Cena" :rofl:


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Why would Randy Orton be in a triple threat match for the no 1 contender when he has the MITB contract?
The Black Widow submission is so dope.

Layla heel turn. No one wants to see her in the ring. At least I don't. Another one who can't go.
I been knowns, just haven't really paid attention to a women's match in a while :lol:

Layla standing in front of AJ that way.. "NO! :stoneface: " terrible way to turn :lol:
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via B/R:
[h1]Backstage News on Maria/Bellas: Did the Twins Block Various Returns?[/h1]

[h3]By [/h3]
Sharon Glencross
(Featured Columnist) on August 1, 2013
41,299 reads


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Maria has nothing good to say about the Bella twins. (from WWE.com)

Even by wrestling standards, the ongoing saga between former Diva Maria Kanellis and current Divas Nikki and Brie Bella has gotten absolutely vicious.

The real-life issues between Kanellis and the twins first came to light in late 2011 when Kanellis made a series of unflattering remarks, per WrestlingInc., about the sisters on her wrestling talk show, Afterbuzz, even famously claiming the girls had shared a hot tub with then-Head of Talent Relations, John Laurinaitis.

Kanellis would later defend herself on social media against accusations that she was perhaps being too candid, insisting Afterbuzz was a gossip show where things could be freely talked about. Cryptically, she also made a point to mention her "strong moral beliefs" and her refusal to compromise them to succeed.


Nikki and Brie have yet to respond to Maria's allegations. (from WWE.com)

Things heated up considerably last month when the Playboy cover girl mentioned that the Bella Twins had blocked her WWE return in April. As Diva-Dirt noted, WWE had been looking into bringing back several Divas to fill up its depleted women's roster.

I was offered a @wwe contract and the Bellas made sure I didn't get it. I'm not bitter. I just don't like people that mess with my career.

11:00 PM - 8 Jul 2013
Kanellis would later controversially claim the twins had sabotaged other potential returns:
@RyanBaxter123 didn't reject their offer. @wwe and I agreed on details of my contract.Bellas blocked 2 other girls and me from getting hired

11:35 PM - 22 Jul 2013
In this week's (subscribers-only) Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer discusses Kanellis' allegations that Nikki and Brie had nixed several returns:
Checking around, I don’t know how valid that is. The women offered to be brought back for Mania that we’re aware of that aren’t there were Kelly Kelly, Maryse and Kanellis. Kelly and Maryse both turned down the offers. Kelly got far enough that she had a contract sent for her to sign, but turned it down.
So far, neither Maryse or Kelly have commented on Kanellis' claims, either to confirm or deny them.


Maryse was in talks for a return at one point. (from WWE.com)

Even if the ROH valet is indeed telling the truth, due to Maryse's relationship with current WWE wrestler Mike "The Miz" Mizanin, it probably wouldn't be too smart of her to call out the powerfully-connected Bellas right now, anyway.

Interestingly, while Meltzer seemed skeptical of Kanellis' accusations that the Bellas had stopped other Divas from coming back, he did appear to confirm that politics had prevented her from returning: "For what it’s worth, we did hear something like what Kanellis said long before she claimed it herself, but that only went for her."

Kanellis has continued to be critical of the Divas on Twitter. As WrestlingInc mentions, she live-tweeted the premiere of Total Divas and was, predictably, rather scathing towards her real-life foes.
Man, as they battle for the Divas championship, Kaitlyn and A.J. Lee could only wish their feud came off as this heated and rage-filled.
[h1]Antonio Cesaro Must Leave The Real Americans to Be Taken Seriously[/h1]

[h3]By [/h3]
The Doctor Chris Mueller
(Featured Columnist) on August 2, 2013
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Antonio Cesaro has more potential than almost anyone else on the WWE roster, but to get ahead, he needs to pull away from Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger right now.

He never should have been put with Colter to begin with.

Colter was brought in to boost the profile of Jack Swagger, and for a while it worked well. Their "We The People" videos struck a nerve with fans, and Swagger even ended up winning the Elimination Chamber match to become the No. 1 contender for the World title.

Unfortunately, Swagger was arrested for a DUI, which stalled his push. While he was still partnered with Colter, everything went downhill from there.

Then, for some incomprehensible reason, someone thought pairing a Swiss superstar with a patriotic bigot would help get him over.
Colter, better know as Dutch Mantell, is a valuable asset to WWE who could help the careers of many young Superstars, but Cesaro is not one of them.
Their gimmicks are just too different for the partnership to have any kind of benefit for Cesaro. Add that to the fact that Cesaro has not been pushed at all after being paired with Colter, and you start to see why this pairing is ineffective.

Unless WWE planned on making Cesaro and Swagger into a tag team to go after the titles, there is no reason to keep Cesaro in The Real Americans.

The thing that makes him stand out from the rest of the roster is his talent. He is a great wrestler who has the power and speed to compete in any kind of match with any kind of Superstar. He doesn't need Colter at all.
What he needs instead are a series of matches that highlight his attributes and maybe a different manager. Take the mic away from him and have him do what he does best, which is fight.
His strength has been on display several times against the likes of Brodus Clay and The Great Khali, and he has been able to keep step with guys like Justin Gabriel and Sin Cara.

There's nothing this guy can't do in the ring, but for one reason or another, WWE management has never quite figured out what to do with him.

[h4]What should WWE do with Cesaro?[/h4]
Keep him with Colter Put him with Heyman Put him by himself Put him back with Aksana; she was hot! Bring up Kassius Ohno and re-form the Kings of Wrestling Submit Vote vote to see results
Cesaro's U.S. title reign saw him have some great matches that showcased his unique moves. Why WWE fans didn't go wild for him because of his talent is a mystery.
Sure, the Internet Wrestling Community loves the guy, but the average WWE fan seems to be indifferent to him. He gets decent heat when he is in the ring delivering ridiculous uppercuts, but his promos just don't click.

Maybe it's his thick accent. Maybe it's the fact that he has only been on the main roster for just over a year. Whatever the reason, he is not reaching his potential.

Pairing him with Colter only served to slow down his already slow ascent like a lead balloon. Now he is doing nothing alongside Swagger and Colter.

Maybe Cesaro should have been the next Paul Heyman guy instead of Curtis Axel.

Heyman is an awesome manager because he knows exactly what to say and do to get his clients over, and the better his client is, the better he can get him over.

Few have Cesaro's raw talent, so just imagine what Heyman could have done with him.

Cesaro could go on to be one of the greatest World champions of all time, but he is a long way from even being in the World title scene.

There are a lot of things WWE can do to help Cesaro, but the first thing it needs to do is get him as far away from Swagger and Colter as possible.

What do you think? Can Zeb Colter push for Antonio Cesaro, or is he just holding him back?
I been knowns, just haven't really paid attention to a women's match in a while :lol:

Layla standing in front of AJ that way.. "NO! :stoneface: " terrible way to turn :lol:

Word :lol: Can't believe a turn that's been coming for months was capped off like that, Crossing Guard Layla :smh:

Riley commentary, not bad
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I need to dedicate a day or two where i just watch nothing by wrestling dvd. I buy one every couple of months and just start like 1 chapter or so. I feel like I'm just collecting cards or something now :lol: Haven't finished that 1st Nitro DVD, Jericho & HBK's, Highest Flyers, northe Starcade one.






This love triangle :pimp:
Yo just seen that Mick Foley documentary on Netflix ............................... it was :pimp:
Will watch

Watching now.

Did not know he was taking those kinds of bumps back in WCW. They just showed a botched sunset flip from the apron to the concrete where he landed directly on the back of his head.

I'm honestly surprised Foley doesn't have dementia at this point.
I'm pissed I just bought that Foley blu ray last week and now it's on Netflix. The extra matches are ****** on there too. :smh:
I am blessed to have the support of my family, my friends and my company. In light of recent events I will immediately be entering a
— Kurt Angle (@RealKurtAngle) August 3, 2013
rehabilitation center. I realize that this is a pivotal time in my life and I ask for your understanding as well as your prayers and
— Kurt Angle (@RealKurtAngle) August 3, 2013
continued support. I am confident that in taking these steps I can begin to address necessary changes in my life.
— Kurt Angle (@RealKurtAngle) August 3, 2013

I do hope he comes out and stays clean, dude is my top 3 all time favorite wrestlers, hope he doesn't go out like this.
was watchin cm punks promos on youtube for about an hour and came across this gem. best promo in a long time
Can't believe that Punk promo was 2 years ago.

This Triple-Threat match on Smackdown. :pimp:

This dude Christian looks like he just stepped out of a swimming pool after the match. :x
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