Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

Let's play a little what if...

Had Bret Hart not left and inadvertently created the Vince McMahon character, would we have ever gotten Stone Cold Steve Austin?

I believe the cream rises to the top eventually. Just a wild thought on how different everything would be.
Case Case

I guess imma be in the disability club with you :smh: i gotta have shoulder surgery monday i scared lol

I hope everything thing goes ok and they get you fixed..

I go Monday to make sure I didn't tear a ligament in my knee..We just a couple of crippled up in the NTWT..
Let's play a little what if...

Had Bret Hart not left and inadvertently created the Vince McMahon character, would we have ever gotten Stone Cold Steve Austin?

I believe the cream rises to the top eventually. Just a wild thought on how different everything would be.

He wouldn't be as popular if he never fued with Mr. McMahon..
The Iron Sheik likes to credit himself as being an essential element that helped to jump start Hulkamania

I like to think that the same applies to VKM's role in Austin's ascent to legendary status
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You can say that sort of thing about all super successful wrestlers..Hogan wouldn't have been as big if he didn't have Sheik or Andre..Austin wouldn't without the Mr McMahon character..Rock without Austin..Flair without Dusty..Sting without Flair..And so on and so on..
Plus you gotta remember that the Stone Cold character was growing by leaps and bounds before the Vince character came along..But it absolutely helped him get over the top..

And that's why people like Shawn, Diesel, HHH, Mankind, and several others weren't as big as they could've been..Yhey just didn't have that 1 person to really attach their title runs to in order to vault them to the stratosphere..Not saying them dudes aren't all time greats, but they ain't Auatin, Hogan, Rick, or Flair..
You can say that sort of thing about all super successful wrestlers..Hogan wouldn't have been as big if he didn't have Sheik or Andre..Austin wouldn't without the Mr McMahon character..Rock without Austin..Flair without Dusty..Sting without Flair..And so on and so on..

During an interview with Ad Week, Stephanie McMahon spoke on her role within WWE and how exactly she can improve perception of the company to a wider audience. She was refreshingly candid, considering:

"To the non-initiated there are definitely misperceptions about our brand. That's one of my jobs as Chief Brand Officer is to go out there and educate people. It still may not be someone's cup of tea. I mean, we're not going to appeal to everybody. But it's a heck of a lot of fun. If I can get someone to come to a show, that's the best way for me to sell them on what we are because they experience it. You have the opportunity to look around... it's our company's mission to put smiles on people's faces."

Thoughts? :nerd:
During an interview with Ad Week, Stephanie McMahon spoke on her role within WWE and how exactly she can improve perception of the company to a wider audience. She was refreshingly candid, considering:

"To the non-initiated there are definitely misperceptions about our brand. That's one of my jobs as Chief Brand Officer is to go out there and educate people. It still may not be someone's cup of tea. I mean, we're not going to appeal to everybody. But it's a heck of a lot of fun. If I can get someone to come to a show, that's the best way for me to sell them on what we are because they experience it. You have the opportunity to look around... it's our company's mission to put smiles on people's faces."

Thoughts? :nerd:

It's not a bad company..
It's not a good company..
It's the company..
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You could say Edge was that to Cena I mean that's kinda their each other's most remembered rivalry. I mean punk and cena as well, but Edge is a massive heel at the time
Ibushi was called by HHH which lead to him being signed.

Let's see if they sign Okada next.
Rumored plans regarding the main event at BG

The early plan for the Shield triple threat is to havea controversial finish where 2 guys pin the other at the same time which would lead to a rematch at SSlam
BG Card expected to be:

Seth VS Reigns VS Dean WWE WHC Match
New Day VS Bray and Braun WWE Tag Title Match
Paige and Sasha VS Brooke and Charlotte
Natalya VS Becky
Anderson and Gallows VS The Usos
Sheamus VS Crews
Cena VS Styles
Zayn VS Owens in some sort of gimmick match

Nothing for Rusev (plans can change), who's rumored to feud with Orton at SSlam.
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