Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

Thought it was a very good match, it's just the finish ruined it, cause we all saw it coming, exactly the way it went down :lol: and we also know how the next couple Raws will go. Cena will alternate beating Gallows and Anderson in singles matches, then will team with Big E and Kofi vs Bullet Club, in which AJ will pin Kofi on the go-home show to whatever the next PPV is. Then, well, you know :lol:

The ending is definitely the only major blemish on that match.

I loved it until that point and loved the story they were telling
Hilarious if that Ultimate Warrior shirt LeBron is wearing wasn't made by WWE
its not

and i bopped it too

great promo for KO, Rio and Jericho man
Cena and styles 

im scared

plz dont bury styles man he needs tis 

its supposed to be a new era
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KLove is a real one. Dude did the stone cold celebration. Dude walked in the club with the belt around his waist.
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In related news, according to What Culture, Roman Reigns has only been pinned 8 times in his entire WWE career. Nine if you count the live event mentioned in the article. Additionally, last night marks the first time in Reigns’ entire career that he was pinned without interference of any kind. Seth Rollins delivered Reigns’ first clean pinfall loss of his entire career.

:wow: :wow: :smh: :smh:
for being wedged in between MITB and the main event, Rusev really made the most out of that :lol: :lol: :pimp:
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