Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

1 Steve Austin
3 WCW having a poor product
4 DX
5 Sable/Sunny/other thots

Each of these are much more important to WWE beating WCW in the ratings... The declared victory on the 11/02/98 show... WCW never beat WWE again... Not once...

And as if 11/02/98, The Rock was an upper mid level heel... I never said he didn't become a GAWD... But as of 11/02/98, he was just a role player ready to break out...
I am just going to blame this on drugs.
It's gonna be a hell of a long time before we see someone else as over as this

And this was in Providence, RI
That wideshot where you can see the entire arena doing the Yes chant with him.

Legit goosebumps.

Mix equal parts baking soda and either arrowroot powder or GMO-free cornstarch. I use about ½ cup baking soda and 1/2 cup arrowroot.Blend with coconut oil until moist and then store in a jar.Seriously. That's it.If you want to get fancy, though, add a little essential oil for scent.
Dad got into a car accident

One of these wrestling stories need to be on the rise and fall of ahmed johnson. Dude was over, but then got fat
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