Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

One media trick I've come to learn, is that if you have to drop some news the public *should* know, do it on a Friday.

Any possible steam the story has will always die over the weekend.

I'll wait for the official announcement before I clown Brock.
Shut up i hate you to and your dead baby


Says the man who openly professed his need for any friends in a wrestling thread on a sneaker board while acting drunk to impress other fatties
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Says the man who openly professed his need for any friends in a wrestling thread on a sneaker board while acting drunk to impress other fatties

Comes from the same man or better yet BOY who posts he hates everything about wrestling but still posts in here. So who needs friends? My friend?
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Deep breath

:smh: :smh: another fake drunk gimmick :smh: :smh:

Sighhhhhh :smh:

Here you go b


Also I never said I hate wrestling I hate the direction it's in stop trying so hard.
Common Julia you taking it to hard it's what we do in ntwt well use to do till meth started banning DC every week.

Edit: mans got drunk off lime a ritas thooooo :lol:
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