Wrestling Thread July 11-18/WWE Live Draft July 19th/ WWE Champ is Who The Hell Knows

The usos's are corny man.
Hahahahahahaha Miz buried John Morrison.
ADR just came back for the money and the women.
Ziggler and Baron Corbin fued is never ending.

Darren Young won and didn't do ****. Horrible finish. Terrible battle royal.
Dean with the belt makes me sick. He doesn't have IT. He looks so uncomfortable with the belt

Wai Ting nailed it when he said, the only way he shows he's crazy is how he talks with a whacky cadence. Other that that, it's like the announce team just keeps beating you over the head with how crazy he supposedly is.
that Seth segment was gold. 

And Ambrose does indeed suck. He's equivalent to Shameus in my book.
Dean with the belt makes me sick. He doesn't have IT. He looks so uncomfortable with the belt
Wai Ting nailed it when he said, the only way he shows he's crazy is how he talks with a whacky cadence. Other that that, it's like the announce team just keeps beating you over the head with how crazy he supposedly is.

JBL: He's so crazy! What a hothead!

Byron: Wow!
Wai Ting nailed it when he said, the only way he shows he's crazy is how he talks with a whacky cadence. Other that that, it's like the announce team just keeps beating you over the head with how crazy he supposedly is.
Spot on.
i take ambrose shenanigans over super reigns.dean vs rollins is perfect , two opposite personalities completely. it would sell better if dean could semi curse like older raw. calling him watered down insults takes away from it
Man I even fast forward on HuLu. Shane gets Smackdown and Steph Raw not surprised. Smackdown probably going to be the better show with fresh content. Watch Taw GM be Hunter back to Steph and Hunter running the show.
They really should have a Heel-Face dynamic to the whole Commissioner & GM thing. We need some tension before the two.
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