Wrestling Thread Jul 14 - Aug 3 | 7/31 WWE Announces Network Subscriptions, Predict The #!

How many subscribers will WWE announce for the WWE Network?

  • 667,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 700,00

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 750,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 800,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 850,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 900,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 950,000

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1,000,000+

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No particular order:

Brock breaking the streak
Taker tossing Foley off the top of the Cell
Hogan saving Eugene from Hassan/Davari
Any of Rock's random returns (saving Eugene, Foley, etc)
Shane jumping off the tron
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1) Hogan heel turn at Bash at the Beach

2) Ziggler cashing in 

3) Kurt Angle debut

4) Brock breaking his neck yet still beats Kurt Angle at WM XIX

5) CM ***** beating Cena and then leaving with the Championship...think that was Money in the bank
Was watching Lesnar/Show on smackdown replays and thinking that might be one of my top five moments in my lifetime I would like to see live.

What would be your five moments you wish you saw live during YOUR lifetime?

1.Hogan goes heel
2. Lesnar/Show ring collapse.
3. Punks pipebomb
4. Hunter return to MSG after quad surgery.
5. Wm 17 for the TLC match/Austin saving the WWE during the Invasion era.

I was at invasion for the heel turn.... Cried the whole night, b
Even without the effects it's sick...:smokin that's a helluva pic there man.
1. Mankind wins the wwe title for the first time on raw
2. Hogan heel turn
3. Brock conquering the streak
4. SCSA gives the corporation a beer bath. (McMahon swimming in the ring :lol: real tears)
5. Toss up between The Montreal screw job, tyson vs austin on raw, Eddie Guerrero winning the wwe championship, 03 survivor series match when a bloody hbk gave it his all still lost and said sorry to austin.
What would be your five moments you wish you saw live during YOUR lifetime?

1.Hogan goes heel
2. Lesnar/Show ring collapse.
3. Punks pipebomb
4. Hunter return to MSG after quad surgery.
5. Wm 17 for the TLC match/Austin saving the WWE during the Invasion era.

1. Undertaker vs Mankind (Hell In The Cell)

2. Wrestlemania 17

3. Hogan joins the n.W.o

4. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania 25

5. Stone Cold Steve Austin Helps WWF Against WCW & ECW

I couldn't just name five moments
- Goldberg vs Hogan at Georgia Dome
- Rock Concert at Sacramento
- 21-1
- Ric Flair winning the WWF championship in the '92 royal rumble
- Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania VI
- Randy Savage vs Steamboat Wrestlemania III
- Hogan vs Andre The Giant Wrestlemania III
- CM Punk vs Cena @ Chicago MITB
- Beer Bath
- The Montreal screw job
- HHH return at MSG
Like, c'mon... the chills


THE GOAT in my book. ALWAYS brought the lulz.

Was watching Lesnar/Show on smackdown replays and thinking that might be one of my top five moments in my lifetime I would like to see live.

What would be your five moments you wish you saw live during YOUR lifetime?

1.Hogan goes heel
2. Lesnar/Show ring collapse.
3. Punks pipebomb
These three +​
4. Brock beating the streak​
5. Vince/Shane showing up on Nitro. ​
Even though that was in 2001 when the internet was kinda already poppin so people might have already knew what was up. But that would have been dope if you had randomly bought tickets and wasn't paying attention to dirt sheets.​
Honorable Mention to:​
- The Second Austin/Rock at WM​
- Hogan/Rock at WM​
- Punk/Cena at MITB​
- Montreal Screwjob​
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Off the top of my head...

1. Goldberg vs Hall & Hogan in the Dome (I was lucky enough to actually be there tho, but I wanna be there again so F it 

2. Sting washing the whole NWO

3. Any New Jack match

4. Mike Awesome vs Masato Tanaka

5. The last Monday Night Nitro (was on my bday 
1. Austin vs Rock WM 17
2. Savage vs Steamboat WM 3
3. Austin vs Hart WM 13
4. Angle milkomania/ Austin beer truck
5. D Bry winning the WWE WHC WM 30/ Y2J WWF debut
Yes Nathan Jones theme was fire and amounted to nothing. Big athletic guy that was wasted IMO.
Nah the problem with Jones is that he didn't like the schedule. Dude probably would've ended up a multiple world champ if stuck around.
No order:

Wrestlemania 17 in its entirety.
Wrestlemania 30 for Bryan's two matches, and Bork breaking the streak
Punk's pipebomb
Jericho's WWF debut
Any time Stone Cold cleared a ring and dished out stunners.
New Jack is an odd dude and one of the worst wrestler ever.

I've been watching a lot of new jack matches on YouTube lately, and I have been feeling more and more uncomfortable. Dude really goes out there and tries to kill his opponent. Dude is sick.
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