Wrestling Thread Jul 14 - Aug 3 | 7/31 WWE Announces Network Subscriptions, Predict The #!

How many subscribers will WWE announce for the WWE Network?

  • 667,000

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  • 700,00

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  • 750,000

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  • 800,000

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  • 850,000

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  • 900,000

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  • 950,000

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  • 1,000,000+

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I don't give a damn about Smackdown, haven't watched in years.  But WWE should have a REAL pre-game and post-game show for both Raw and SD.  Not the cheesy, overproduced, overscripted Alex Riley bs.  Have guys really analyze what happened on the shows, point out positives and negatives, and what things were important.  Make it real.  People would actually want to watch that.

Whoa there buddy. Slow down with all that sense you're making.

It all makes sense. Problem is they don't take their product seriously. That's why they have very few marketable main eventers. They've kicked it into cruise control years back and are about to rear end into pissed off investors.

They're so many issues at hand from top to bottom.

DC mentioned the other night that Raw was too "big" in terms of presentation. If he was talking about the fancy stage and HD everything then he's right. HD is fine but I really would love if they went back to a pretty toned down set. I used to look forward to PPVs to see the new special stage that was set up. Not anymore I don't.
They have contracts, dude.  There is a reason NBC Universal pays them $180 million a year (even if that # is low compared to the ratings they draw).
Ehh that makes sense then, it still sucks lol

Another thing that WWE could pay for the rights for and have on the Network​

If they got really creative, between NJPW, TNA's situation, NXT, the post/pre game stuff 4W was talking about, they could turn WWE Network into a wrestling ESPN . . . I would not be able to watch that much, it's a chore to even get through Raw, but I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who would be tempted even more to buy if they added more content​

Exactly.  Look @ what UFC is doing with Fight Pass.  They are airing Invicta shows.  Metamoris jui jitsu shows.  Nevada State Athletic Commission hearings.  AND have the entire UFC and Pride libraries online.  It is an ESPN for MMA.

WWE is far too close minded to ever bring in other promotions on their network.  Just imagine if you could get ROH iPPVs, Dragongate iPPVs, NJPW iPPVs.  It would be amazing, AND draw a lot more fans to the Network.

TNA... that's not happening.

Now this is an interesting idea. The thought of a Wrestling ESPN would be amazing but will never happen :smh:
Also yall mad that not all Raws, Smackdown, WCW stuff isnt up yet. I'm mad that the not all the ECW Hardcore Tvs & ECW on TNNs arent up there yet. Actually can they use the ECW on TNN stuff or anything related to TNN? Idk the exact details of Vince buying WCW & ECWs vid libraries...
I don't give a damn about Smackdown, haven't watched in years.  But WWE should have a REAL pre-game and post-game show for both Raw and SD.  Not the cheesy, overproduced, overscripted Alex Riley bs.  Have guys really analyze what happened on the shows, point out positives and negatives, and what things were important.  Make it real.  People would actually want to watch that.

Whoa there buddy. Slow down with all that sense you're making.

It all makes sense. Problem is they don't take their product seriously. That's why they have very few marketable main eventers. They've kicked it into cruise control years back and are about to rear end into pissed off investors.

They're so many issues at hand from top to bottom.

DC mentioned the other night that Raw was too "big" in terms of presentation. If he was talking about the fancy stage and HD everything then he's right. HD is fine but I really would love if they went back to a pretty toned down set. I used to look forward to PPVs to see the new special stage that was set up. Not anymore I don't.

That's such a huge and sad problem. I just don't get how in your own company, you are embarrassed by the very product you're based around, treat your employees like crap, give them dead-end gimmicks, yet get mad when they can't get these dead-end gimmicks over, and have the nerve to punish them. I don't know any other company that intentionally sabotages themselves like the WWE does. And this has been going on for such a long time, it's crazy. The downfall of having no legit competition.

View media item 1107374
Definitely not the first 3.

You can do monthly giveaways, but that's not moving your Network #.  WWE already gave away $50 store credits for joining the Network.

I never got a $50 store credit..Damn you Vince..

I think Raw needs to be bumped up from PG..It's just getting too stale and the adults that spend the money are getting tired of this lame crap week after week..I mean even kids are getting sick of the same ole sugary stuff..My son has a friend that's 8 1/2 and a total Cena mark.Dude said he wished Cena would have won the title again cause he's a boring champion..

They also need to put up all Raw and Nitros ASAP..So many people would order the Network just to watch the Monday Night Wars episodes..And they have got to do some original programming that's not ******ed..Legend's House and that Slam City cartoon are beyond lame..Get some new Legends of Wrestling episodes made..Bring in SCSA, Malenko, Foley, Road Dogg, B. Gunn, Sting, Booker, and Shawn and you could have countless episodes to discuss..Do some legit documentaries instead of the sugar-coated ones they already have..
Honestly the only thing I've watched on the network are the WWF/E ppvs. Started at the very beginning and I'm up to Royal Rumble 02. It would be way more enjoyable if they had the eps of raw and smackdown to watch before the PPV but that just makes to much sense.
The product just leaves so much to be desired now. How hard is it to create simple storylines thst make sense? I see people here coming up with ideas that are lightyears better than most of the stuff that we get on tv.

I've been watching all ppv's in order starting from '91 and I'm at the end of '92 and The Model Rick Martel, who was like a low mid carder back then, was in about 3 legit feuds. He beefed with Jake when he "blinded" him, with HBK over Sherri, and with Tatanka after stealing his feathers.

All we get is random matches now and illogical booking. Orton is supposed to be the best wrestler after Cena this generation and he has spent the last year kissing Triple H's behind for title shots. He's like a 10 time champion who shouldn't even have to do that. His character should be more like it was this Monday. And that's just one example in my opinion.

This thread got me back into wrestling a few years ago and it's the main reason I still watch.
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I don't give a damn about Smackdown, haven't watched in years.  But WWE should have a REAL pre-game and post-game show for both Raw and SD.  Not the cheesy, overproduced, overscripted Alex Riley bs.  Have guys really analyze what happened on the shows, point out positives and negatives, and what things were important.  Make it real.  People would actually want to watch that.
They'd have to allow for real criticisms of matches, storylines, and character development, which won't happen because creative/HHH don't want to hear that stuff.
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^Very true. That's the thing when dealing with a "fake sport". People want to have that disbelief. Could you imagine a panel of people discussing the Miz/Dolph match, with Miz being like 3 steps behind the entire match :lol:?
I've been watching all ppv's in order starting from '91 and I'm at the end of '92 and The Model Rick Martel, who was like a low mid carder back then, was in about 3 legit feuds. He beefed with Jake when he "blinded" him, with HBK over Sherri, and with Tatanka after stealing his feathers.

This thread got me back into wrestling a few years ago and it's the main reason I still watch.

You know what's funny about that?...Martel was a mid to upper mid card guy in WWF, but he was a World Heavyweight Champion in the AWA where there was a plethora of talent with probably a dozen HOFers on their payroll..Now compare a man of his caliber to the guys that are in the mid card today..It's not even close..And it's not the new guys in the mid cards fault..It's because Vince hires soap opera writers instead of using former wrestlers to help with storylines and promos..

I quit watching wrestling around 02-03..Happened upon this thread around 3-4 yrs ago and it got me back into watching..Listening to all these guys talk about this guy CM something or other got my interest piqued..Started to put some effort into watching and that was all she wrote..

I swear if I didn't have the NTWT I don't know what I'd do..Y'all keep me entertained on Mondays, and certain times throughout the week, and 1 Sunday a month..Not to mention all those other times when I've been dealing with some health issues, I knew I could come in here and have something to take my mind off of things..

I love all my NTWT brethren..
Honestly the only thing I've watched on the network are the WWF/E ppvs. Started at the very beginning and I'm up to Royal Rumble 02. It would be way more enjoyable if they had the eps of raw and smackdown to watch before the PPV but that just makes to much sense.

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I personally would love to see someone interview creative and really get down to the very bottom of this. Male sure Vince is front and center. Dolph, Miz, Alberto, Swagger, Rusev, Ceasaro, Big E and ETC are just there man. Lot of guys/girls are just there. Marinating and left in the fridge.
Just got around to listening the jericho podcast w/ edge & heyman and heyman said smackdown was facing cancellation at one point in the early 00s. Crazy

I haven't listened to that ep. yet, but when I got out of wrestling in the early 2000's Smackdown was pretty much useless at that point..It may have picked back up and been something great to watch, but unless they move SD to Wednesday or Thursday night and have it live it's a truly pointless show..You have a very weak product that people can read about what's going to happen a few days in advance?..Dumbest idea ever!..
You know what's funny about that?...Martel was a mid to upper mid card guy in WWF, but he was a World Heavyweight Champion in the AWA where there was a plethora of talent with probably a dozen HOFers on their payroll..Now compare a man of his caliber to the guys that are in the mid card today..It's not even close..And it's not the new guys in the mid cards fault..It's because Vince hires soap opera writers instead of using former wrestlers to help with storylines and promos..

I quit watching wrestling around 02-03..Happened upon this thread around 3-4 yrs ago and it got me back into watching..Listening to all these guys talk about this guy CM something or other got my interest piqued..Started to put some effort into watching and that was all she wrote..

I swear if I didn't have the NTWT I don't know what I'd do..Y'all keep me entertained on Mondays, and certain times throughout the week, and 1 Sunday a month..Not to mention all those other times when I've been dealing with some health issues, I knew I could come in here and have something to take my mind off of things..

I love all my NTWT brethren..

Yeah agreed.

On the real if it wasn't for NTWT I would be in a bad place right now.

Been going through rough times lately..ugly breakup, back issues, needing to track down a 2nd job to pay off medical bills and keep getting turned down etc. But NTWT is one of those places I can escape to and stay sane a lil bit.

Much love & respect to all of yall.

case (the OG), Peep(who's prolly one of the funniest cats on here), JRA(cool dude), JRS(shoutout to EN TEE KAY EL :pimp: ), 4w (for not being negative enough about wrestling to the point where he stops making threads :pimp: ), DC (who's prolly the only dude on earth that got wrestling archives on phonograph), hymen(even though he likes that Phil geek :tongue: ), Meangene (who may possibly be Orlando Jordan), af1 (aka Sad Gosling), PLVN (and his brilliant one liners :lol: ), GHIMS (for being so dedicated to reporting breaking news 6 months after it was breaking), Club (and his 1000 SNs..hope dude lights it up in the indies) , DSK (and his NTWT Brock Lesnar schedule), all of yall really. NTWT 4 Life. :pimp:
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You know I'm always here for you Mr. Jones..You need to talk bout them back issues, yall know I'm an expert..Hit that pm button whenever you need me brother..
I think the network would be more successful if WWE more strongly pushed the PPVs. The selling point to the average fan should be the cheaper PPVs, not legends house and old PPVs that the average fan does not have the time or interest to watch. I honestly think they would have a higher buy rate if they only offered PPVs for $10 and it would be a much simpler business model. 
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just read they were thinkin of Sheamus dropping the belt to rusev. I suggested that a month ago! sign me up Vince. I'll take your company to the top. and I'll even work for free!

ps thanks to everyone who has been keeping my family in their prayers!! my ntwt brothers. I appreciate it.

but sorry for just jumping into this convo, but wwe is never going to be where it was, no matter what they do. they will never hit a 4.0 rating again if they turn cena heel, bring back stone cold, make it Tv14. it's not going to happen.

but what they can do is make it something every real wrestling fan wants to watch. the storylines and matches they book have no direction in the beginning as to where they want to end. even Punk said it when he was frustrated with the company. there are no such things as long feuds that get you wrapped up in it. there is no tommy dreamer vs raven feud. and that's something that is missing.

it's the same thing over and over and over. I mean we saw the usos and Wyatt's wrestle about 50 times with nothing happening to further the storyline. just match after match. we've seen cenas match of his life 20 times. this is why no one watches it's the same **** for the past 5 years.

I hate to wish it but I would love for someone to buy this company and run it how it should be ran. all Vince sees this product as is a gateway to merchandise and apps. the wrestling and storylines and heart of the show aren't priority number one. I hate to say it because I think Vince is a genius and a god of wrestling, but maybe he just got really lucky in the late 90s because since the end of that era he hasn't been able to come close to those ratings and those compelling stories besides a few here and there.

sorry for the rant but it's sad when the real diehard fans of the business seem to be more passionate than the bozos calling the shots.
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