Wrestling Thread January 2nd-31st/NXT Takeover Tonight At 8PM ET/NTWT Royal Rumble Info On Page 1/Ro

who is this kenny mccormick guy yall keep blabbering about

indie darling that wrestles blow up dolls
who is this kenny mccormick guy yall keep blabbering about
He's gonna be in the rumble and get tossed out by ELLSGAWD [emoji]128514[/emoji]
@Fat Boy 915  already confirmed Ellsgod winning 

who is this kenny mccormick guy yall keep blabbering about
Some indie jobber like Finn
whoaaaa no way hes THAT bad
annnnd the turn has begun

annnnd the turn has begun
Dude looks like a dirty Dolph Ziggler.
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Nakamura def coasting in NXT and quite frankly I don't blame him. Him and Rude Bobby will put on a hell of a match on Saturday though...
Nakamura def coasting in NXT and quite frankly I don't blame him. Him and Rude Bobby will put on a hell of a match on Saturday though...

Yep, they've been getting really good reviews on house shows. Apparently they have really good chemistry.
Nakamura def coasting in NXT and quite frankly I don't blame him. Him and Rude Bobby will put on a hell of a match on Saturday though...

I don't blame him one bit..Not that he's an old man, but at his age he can't be taking insane risks for an NXT show..He's gotta save himself for the main roster..He really needs to be called up for the Rumble or the night after..It's time for him to make his debut and get to cookin'..
Nakamura def coasting in NXT and quite frankly I don't blame him. Him and Rude Bobby will put on a hell of a match on Saturday though...

I don't blame him one bit..Not that he's an old man, but at his age he can't be taking insane risks for an NXT show..He's gotta save himself for the main roster..He really needs to be called up for the Rumble or the night after..It's time for him to make his debut and get to cookin'..

Agreed, but also, the WWE has to get these older guys on the main roster much faster, and really spotlight homegrown talent on NXT instead of relying on Impact/Japan guys so much. Roode, Joe, and Nakamura should have been on the main roster a long time ago.
Late night NTWT, wattup.

Waiting to board my flight back to the U S and A.

Once I get my food, gonna pop that xanax and be out.

Besides Omega and Angle, who else could pop up as a surprise entrant? I hope there's no program between AJ and Shane.
furiousstylez the jet-setter :smokin

I honestly would be excited to see Joey Samoey enter the rumble and wreck **** more than anyone else
I'd rather see Nakamura debut than Joe or Omega..Shinsuke debuts at RR and Joe the next night on RAM..
The entire NXT roster will be backstage at the Rumble so Nakamura is def a possibility

Some Observer notes:

- Dave does caution on those Mania plans mentioned upthread "my feeling is nothing is a lock until it happens". He does say the Lesnar direction was Shane (as hinted at Summerslam, of course) until Goldberg agreed to stay on. He doesn’t actually mention anything Shane (or AJ, or Cena) might definitely be doing.

- Kenny Omega will give a statement about his future likely tomorrow, certainly in the coming days. Dave doesn’t know what it is but NJPW think he’s staying.

- Lucha Underground aren’t going to release anyone from their contracts, though they do have a lot of time to work things out after the AAA exodus and Dave says they have renewed funding issues ahead of fall’s expected season four tapings. LU is still working on house show plans and would likely not use any of those who left. The Crash want to get on Mexican TV as competition for AAA and CMLL, and with the Hardyz winning their tag gold there’s a possibility of a working relationship with TNA.

- WWE are trying to work out a deal to get Evolve onto the Network and off FloSlam.

- Several UK wrestlers are being brought over for Rumble weekend, but nobody seems sure what they’ll be doing. Even though they haven’t announced it yet Pete Dunne is likely pulled from Sunday’s Progress title match. (Progress is supposed to be WWE’s ally, remember)

- Donovan Dijak is expected to leave ROH.
Gonna feel sick if Dean (who, along with AJ, carried the company in 2016) gets a lower profile match than Shane. They dont even need a Shane match...JUST WHY
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I'm mad just reading this

so you have AJ and Dean carry your brand for most of the year only to be worthless for mania. :smh: only reason id be ok with taker/Roman is if Roman turns heel. Bray/orton for the belt? :x their match doesn't need a belt imo. Balor/Seth? Two faces? Unless finn comes back as a heel and joins the club... I don't see how that works. Not that I'm unhappy. I'm actually glad that I have no idea how this mania card will turn out and that WWE has plenty of stars to fill this card up to with. Question is how will they build it...
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Shane doesn't need to wrestle at all man. Just keep him as a GM. Feed him to the miz if we have to
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