Wrestling Thread Jan/Feb | 2/29 RAW - The Undertaker Returns to Respond to The McMahons

If they ain't rocking the Iron Man Gear with Alexa Bliss, what's the point of Blake and Murphy?

Side Note: How come no one mentioned the No Limit Solider Wrestler "SWOLE" was making 350,000 in WCW...wtf seriously.
Jeff Hardy is as legit as they come my boy! His ladder match with Big Evil on a random Raw back in the day >>>

His Swanton Bomb was a thing of beauty. It always looked like he paused mid dive before he did the flip. Job Ziggler wishes he could have a run like Hardy did.
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Still the best era in all of wrestling though.

View media item 1875691
Early 80's-Early 90's NWA/WCW crushes Attitude Era/PG Era/Bland Era's wrestling..Storylines were better too..Tell 'em @green rhino123 King of Trash Style King of Trash Style

Finally got my flight booked for Mania. Gonna get there thursday night and fly out tuesday morning and hopefully gonna get a ticket for raw

PM me about Raw/HOF/Axxess/NXT tickets..

I'm saying. Some of the best times in my life involved cussing and *******. :evil: :pimp:

View media item 1874919
@22stylez When are you getting to Dallas and when are you leaving? Where you staying so I can come tip over case's motorized cart

Jokes on you..The cart has a roll cage..:tongue:
I miss the linear buildup of guys and the clear progression.You look at a guy like Jeff Hardy. He went from a jobber to enhancement talent to fan favorite to Tag Team Champion to European Champion to Intercontinental Champion (throw in a couple Hardcore Title reigns in there) and then finally won the big one. They did it perfectly with that clown the Miz too.
I miss the linear buildup of guys and the clear progression.You look at a guy like Jeff Hardy. He went from a jobber to enhancement talent to fan favorite to Tag Team Champion to European Champion to Intercontinental Champion (throw in a couple Hardcore Title reigns in there) and then finally won the big one. They did it perfectly with that clown the Miz too.

And a big reason why that worked for Harvey was because those belts actually meant something..They've totally trashed the value of each belt in today's era so none of them really matter, and by extension the fans don't really care about them..The US belt should've been a perfect tool to build up Jeans, but instead they had him rarely defend it so it was pointless that he was anUS champ with that long title run..But look how valued the belt became when Cena was putting it up for grabs each week..The belt meant something again not because it was on Cena, but because it was defended each week and made to look like something of importance..I liked what KO was doing with the IC and how he'd talk about it being important to him as a "prize" fighter..

I think that's a big reason why nobody can't stay behind Roman..He's had no natural progression to get behind..He went from The Shield straight into main event programs..He should've been a tag champ, then had a run with the IC, then had a main event worthy (but not WHC) program, and then, finally, get put into the World title picture..But Vince saw them muscles, got a boner, and threw him in the deep end..
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Attitude Era did more harm to the business than any other era of wrestling. So if you want to say that is the reason it is the most influential, then sure
I was in elementary school when the attitude era was at its peak. It had little boys telling girls to suck it, flipping teachers off and ****. Deadass lent my boy a wwf theme cd and his moms bagged him listening to mr.*** theme. Good times, best era imo
I was in elementary school when the attitude era was at its peak. It had little boys telling girls to suck it, flipping teachers off and ****. Deadass lent my boy a wwf theme cd and his moms bagged him listening to mr.*** theme. Good times, best era imo
Good stuff.
Dudes sounding soft in this thread man.
Attitude Era was the best imo bc I was a kid at the time and all the antics were awesome. Looking back now I can watch older stuff and appreciate it but Attitude Era will always be #1 for me bc that is what I grew up with.
ECW did a lot of harm too


Yes. Part of the reason marks today think high spots and stupid unnecessary moves makes a wrestler/match good. Same thing with mick foley. inb4 they post the technical matches like that was on display/talked about more than the outrageous stuff
I was in elementary school when the attitude era was at its peak. It had little boys telling girls to suck it, flipping teachers off and ****. Deadass lent my boy a wwf theme cd and his moms bagged him listening to mr.*** theme. Good times, best era imo

I use to listen to mobb deep/ mafioso nas/ wu tang with my brothers in the crib at that age and your boys mom got upset over Billy guns theme??? Culture differences
That's what happens when actual characters and entertainment were nearly the sole focus. People got spoiled wanting more more and more, to the point where falling off a ladder through some tables wasn't impressive anymore. That's why the crowd had to be "weened" away from that for a long time (something HHH said directly himself :lol:"). But give me Jericho/Benoit vs Austin/HHH with that quality of a match and wild crowd over a lot of current stuff and past stuff.
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I think that match might be my only found moment of Shovel. That man let Jericho slap the Walls of Jericho on him with torn quads. Damn good match.
ECW did a lot of harm too


Couldn't agree more..ECW was the one who really started in with breaking kayfabe, which in turn had fans dying to know to find out "real" information..Once gimmicks weren't a thing to be protected anymore it all started going downhill..Insider magazines on newsstands, dirt sheets, shoot hotlines, and the beginning of the internet changed everything for the worse..Fans weren't stupid back in the day, but we had a much easier time suspending disbelief than the average fan of today..

That's why I think the WWE really needs to start making the belts seem more important in today's wrestling world..It'll help get fans back into "wrestling mode" instead of entertainment mode..Plus Vince needs to quit denying what he and his company are..And that's a wrestling promoter and a wrestling company..
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